[Abstract]:In the field of accounting research, the price model based on accounting information makes good use of the information of balance sheet and income statement, and becomes the hot spot of accounting empirical research. According to the relevant theories of regional economics, there is a causal relationship between regional economic development and enterprise performance, and regional economic development has a certain sustained impact on enterprise performance. Because the change of accounting information will reflect the stock price, it is necessary to study the influence of regional information on stock price. Based on this idea, this paper firstly reviews and analyzes the influence of regional economic development on enterprise organization and the influence of enterprise organization development on regional economy. On the basis of this, the author thinks that the regional economic development and enterprise performance are causality, and carries on the empirical research by Granger causality analysis of time series combined with the data of listed companies in China from 1990 to 2011. On the basis of causality, panel data analysis method is used to prove that the more developed the economy is, the greater the contribution to firm performance, which is consistent with the situation of anarchic intervention in capital markets. It shows that the recommendation system of government intervention is reasonable and can achieve the purpose of optimizing the allocation of resources. Combined with the above empirical conclusions, the regional economic development will affect the performance of enterprises, and the more developed the economy, the greater the impact on corporate performance. Combined with the "decision usefulness" of accounting information, it can be seen that the change of accounting information will affect investors' judgment of company value. Based on this paper, the widely used price model based on accounting information is expanded and studied. After adding the independent variable to reflect the development of regional economy, the explanatory power of the model is improved, and the explanatory power of the eastern regional economic development to the stock price is greater than that of the economic development in the central and western regions. The empirical results show that the economic development of the eastern region has a certain explanatory power on the stock price of listed companies in the east, and the expanded model has been verified in the eastern region, but the extended model in the central, western and national regions has not been verified. This also reflects the regional characteristics of regional economic development to explain the stock price. Based on the theory of regional economic development and the relationship between enterprises and organizations, this paper carries out a series of continuous empirical studies. The empirical conclusions are persuasive and effective to the national regional development policy. The formulation of listed company listing system also has certain guiding significance.
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