[Abstract]:Consumption, investment and exports are the troika that drives economic growth. Since the reform and opening up, China's economic system reform and economic structural transformation have been accelerated, and the role of the troika in promoting economic development has become increasingly prominent. Under the influence of national policy adjustment and macro-control, the contribution and status of the troika to economic development have gradually changed. Since the global financial crisis broke out, the structure of international demand and the mode of industrial competition have changed greatly. The developed countries have generally called out the slogans of "manufacturing industry return" and "export substitution", and the external demand environment of our country has suddenly tightened. It is generally recognized that the stable promotion of domestic demand is an endogenous decisive factor to maintain the healthy and steady development of the national economy, and must be based on the domestic market, fully tap the potential of domestic demand, and expand the scale of the domestic market. In recent years, the theoretical and practical circles will further expand domestic demand, study the consumption structure of domestic market, and tap the potential of domestic consumption market as the focus of research. The consumption function model is not only the theoretical basis of the study of consumer behavior, but also an important means to study the expansion of domestic demand and the power of independent economic growth. Under the background of insufficient effective demand, a thorough study of consumption function and its characteristics will help us to grasp consumer behavior and establish a consumption theory that conforms to the reality. This paper first selects Shandong Province urban and rural residents' consumption situation as the research object, on the basis of the domestic and foreign scholars' research results, through the inspection, collects the Shandong Province economic development and the urban and rural residents' consumption related data. Based on the Keynesian consumption function model, according to the relationship between investment rate and consumption rate, the economic development process of Shandong Province since the reform and opening up is divided into three stages. The consumption characteristics of urban and rural residents in Shandong Province are explained in detail. On this basis, combined with the economic structure, historical background and macro-policy changes of Shandong, this paper analyzes the residents' consumption in different stages, and introduces relevant variables according to the characteristics of different stages. The consumption function model which accords with the actual situation of Shandong Province is established. Secondly, this paper makes an in-depth study on the trend and causes of the marginal consumption tendency of Shandong urban and rural residents since the reform and opening up, and analyzes the current situation of the consumption development of urban and rural residents in Shandong Province. This is closely related to the continuous improvement of the rural social security system in our country at the present stage, the importance attached to raising the income level of rural residents, the acceleration of the construction of a new socialist countryside, and the implementation of the policy of supporting agriculture and rich peasants, and at the same time, This article also further analyzes the restricting factors of Shandong Province's urban and rural residents' consumption in detail. Finally, this paper puts forward a series of measures to stimulate consumption, such as improving the consumption structure, improving the ability of middle and low income groups to pay, ensuring and improving the people's livelihood of the society, speeding up the construction of a well-off society, and so on, to overcome the shortage of effective demand. In order to improve the endogenous power of economic growth in the province and promote healthy and sustainable development to provide decision-making reference.
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