[Abstract]:Historically, economic globalization is often an important period of opportunity for development. Anyone who grasps this opportunity will be able to achieve a "bend overtaking." America and Germany in the late 19th century, Japan and the four Little Dragons in East Asia in the middle of the 20th century, and China and India since the 1990s. However, the financial crisis changed the game strategy. For example, the United States uses quantitative easing and export expansion in the short term, promotes re-industrialization, re-innovation, re-employment in the medium term, plans to build a high-standard free-trade zone with developed economies in the long run, liberalizes investment and trade in services, and is competitive. This will change the nature of multilateral agreements in economic globalization and shift to exclusive regionalization, localisation of protectionism, political and military collectivization, and the plight of the vast number of developing countries facing marginalization. China's response to the global rule-changer is a big question. Whether the globalization environment is still an important strategic period or an opportunity is no longer available, whether China is a responsible big country or a marginalized power, and whether China is seeking comprehensive confrontation or open cooperation, needs to make a choice and formulate coping strategies. The "bright sword" of the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee is to implement the strategy of transcending the zero-sum game, to grasp the important strategic opportunity period for development, and to transform the challenge of the global high-standard free trade area and the change of rules into a new round of opening up at a high level in an all-round way. The new round of high standard reform and the new round of powerful motive force of high quality development have built our country into a high-income country, an open country, a powerful trading country and a responsible big country in the world.
【作者单位】: 国家发展改革委学术委员会;
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