[Abstract]:The cross-regional capital flow promotes the economic development, but also causes the environmental problem to arouse the widespread concern. With the gradual penetration of industrial transfer into the central and western regions of China, Hunan has gradually expanded the scale of undertaking industrial transfer, which has a positive impact on Hunan's economic development, industrial structure optimization and technological upgrading. However, the environmental problems are also prominent in the process of undertaking industrial transfer in Hunan, so it is of great significance to analyze the environmental effects of the industrial transfer in Hunan to realize the sustainable development of Hunan economy. This paper takes Hunan as the research object to undertake the industrial transfer and the discharge and production of industrial three wastes, and shows the current situation of Hunan undertaking industrial transfer and environmental pollution through the chart. This paper expounds the relationship between undertaking industry transfer and environmental pollution and the mechanism of environmental effect of undertaking industry transfer, and proves the correlation between undertaking industry transfer and environmental pollution by unit root test and Granger causality test. Specifically, there is a positive correlation between industrial waste gas emissions and industrial solid waste production in Hunan province, and the industrial transfer is the Granger cause of industrial waste. A simultaneous equation model consisting of environmental effects, structural effects, technological effects and direct effects is constructed to analyze the impact of industrial transfer on Hunan's environment. The results show that scale effects aggravate the environmental pollution in Hunan. The influence of structural effect on Hunan environmental index is negative, that of technology effect on environment is positive, and that of total environmental effect is negative. According to the existing problems between the industrial transfer and the coordinated development of the environment in Hunan Province, the following suggestions are put forward: reasonable control of the scale of the industrial transfer to be undertaken, in line with the local environmental capacity, optimization of the structure of the industrial transfer to be carried on, and reduction of the emissions from the three industrial wastes; We should promote innovation and utilization of environmental technology, realize waste utilization and income generation, strengthen local environmental control and form a good environment for attracting investment, guide resource conservation and environmental protection, and promote the construction of a "two-oriented society".
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