[Abstract]:In the organizational structure of our party and the structure of the state power, the county level is a key link in connecting the past with the following. It is an important foundation for developing the economy, safeguarding the people's livelihood, maintaining stability, and promoting the long-term stability of the country. As far as the county party committee and government are concerned, it is an important task to improve the county governance ability, which is related to the development of the county economy and society and the happiness of the people's life, and to the coordinated promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout in the county area. Combining with the practice at the grassroots level, the author believes that the key to improving county governance is to do well in execution, credibility and development. Executive power is the development of the county government as the cause of the party and the state
【作者单位】: 中共肥西县委;
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