[Abstract]:Bathed in the party Central Committee, the State Council's sunshine and rain, in October 2013, Nankang withdrawal of the city was approved. Over the past year, the Nankang District Committee and the district government have in-depth implemented the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the third Central Committee of the 18th Central Committee, the fourth Plenary session of the CPC Central Committee and the 13th, eighth, and Ninth Plenary sessions of the Provincial Committee, and firmly grasped the spirit of revitalizing and developing the Soviet region and Ganzhou Municipal Committee. The municipal government gave Nankang "five-year transition period, six basically unchanged" major support opportunities, vigorously implemented the development strategy of "developing in the same city, enriching the people and strengthening the areas", and made great efforts to open up the revitalization of Nankang.
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