[Abstract]:The construction of socialist cultural power needs the healthy and rapid development of cultural industry. The source and internal motive force of cultural industry development is the cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents. The excessive income gap between urban and rural residents in China seriously restricts the expansion of cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents, thus hindering the development of urban and rural cultural industry in China. Based on the present situation and existing problems of the development of urban and rural cultural industry in China, this paper probes into the relationship between the income gap between urban and rural residents, the cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents and the development of urban and rural cultural industry. This paper tries to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural cultural industry by adjusting the income gap between urban and rural residents in order to stimulate the improvement of cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents. Based on the theory of dual economic structure, consumption theory and industrial economics, this paper adopts the method of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis to affect the mechanism of urban and rural residents' cultural consumption demand. The mechanism of urban and rural residents' cultural consumption demand affecting the development of cultural industry and the mechanism of urban and rural residents' income gap affecting the coordinated development of urban and rural cultural industry are analyzed respectively. The conclusions are as follows: (1) the income gap between urban and rural residents has a long-term significant impact on the cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents, and the excessive income gap between urban and rural residents is an important factor affecting the lack of cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents in China at the present stage. Under certain conditions of residents' income, in order to maximize the total cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents in China, The income gap between urban and rural residents should be controlled within a certain range. (2) there is a significant positive correlation between the total cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents and the development of cultural industry. The cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents in China has a significant impact on the development of cultural industry, increasing the total cultural consumption of urban and rural residents, and raising the level of cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents. It is the internal motive force and source of the coordinated development of urban and rural cultural industry in China. (3) the income gap between urban and rural residents affects the coordinated development of urban and rural cultural industry by affecting the cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents. The income gap between urban and rural residents will also affect the adjustment and optimization of urban and rural cultural industry structure by affecting the structure of cultural consumption demand of urban and rural residents. Finally, combined with the main conclusions of the study, this paper puts forward the policy of adjusting income distribution and increasing the proportion of individual income of residents in the distribution of national income. Take a variety of measures to increase the income of rural residents in order to narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents and coordinate the development of urban and rural cultural industry and other related suggestions.
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