[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to analyze the determinants of food costs other than the family of Chinese urban residents, and pay particular attention to the impact of the reform of the social insurance system on the market. The existing literature in this area focuses primarily on the impact of income and family structure on food costs other than the family. However, there has never been an estimate of that reform of the social security system at all, with the aim of promoting domestic consumption in China and for any effect on the cost of food other than the family. This analysis allows us to reveal the source of financial risk, such as the sudden high medical expenditure and the lack of pension insurance, and what kind of reflection would be to the cost of food other than the family. At the same time, such an analysis provides a number of important insights regarding the benefits of the advancement of the social security system to the future of the market. The data set in 2002 is used in this article, which comes from a series of surveys called Chinese Hoseshlods Incoe Project (CHIP). The advantage of the selection of the data set is that it contains detailed information on the participation of each family in the social security system and is appropriate for conducting a comprehensive and empirical analysis. The results show that, in the near future, the growth rate of the food market outside the Chinese family is higher than that of the whole economy. In particular, the study confirmed that for seventy-eight per cent of the sample observations, food other than the family was a luxury, and for ninety-nine per cent of the sample observations, the food outside the family was a normal business. In addition, income elasticity indicates a trend in the growth of lower-income residents, which is estimated to be close to the middle sample, and it also shows the decline in high-income households Potential. The empirical analysis also reveals the age of interest and the student's fee for food other than the family In line with previous studies, young families are estimated to spend more on food than others More interesting, the positive analysis shows that students take a large part The result is of great significance to the understanding of consumers outside China's home, apparently, the previous study ignored the weight in detail, that reason why the student will largely influence food outside of the family is that the student often live in the campus, often at school However, the most important conclusion is that the Chinese government's social insurance policy over the next few years is related to food expenses other than the family The effect is related. First, the deposit amount of the family to the individual pension account each year is in favor of the food other than the family The growth of consumption. Although the city's binary variable is a lot, the result is the control of the city It's strong. This may be because, for those families with higher amounts of personal pension accounts for years, they don't have to worry about future income problems, so it's going to be outside the family. More and more. Relativity, if the Chinese government can achieve the goal of the government, greatly improve the coverage of the urban pension system, the food market outside China It will grow. Second, there is some evidence that the balance of housing provident fund has no effect on the food other than the family There is a positive effect. The residents who are involved in the housing provident fund now need only a small amount of money to be used as a future home, so that the current family can be increased In addition to the cost of food, although the result is not strong for the city's control, when the resident's annual housing accumulation fund deposit amount, rather than the housing accumulation fund balance, is treated as a control force, The effect is positive. The conclusion is that the continuous increase in the Chinese government's affordable housing will increase the Chinese family In the end, the increase in the income ratio of private medical expenses has led to a significant reduction in the consumption of food other than the family In particular for poor families, it is possible that the time of expenditure for medical expenses is uncertain and that the cost of medical treatment cannot be amortized, which makes it necessary for families with poor health to maintain a high level of health Savings and less consumption. Most studies have recorded medical support As with the effect of the level of savings, as with the effect of the pension, the result is strong for the control of the city and, in addition, controls the binary variable of the head of the household that does not enjoy the health insurance system, The same conclusion could also be produced. If the Chinese government has successfully expanded the state-paid medical expenses through the health insurance system, it can reduce the burden on the medical expenses of the residents and the family The food market will grow. The floating population in the family has a negative impact on the amount of food other than the family, which confirms the participation of the social insurance system and government subsidies. The positive effect of food outside the family is due to the fact that most of the floating population does not enjoy the insurance scheme, and when they enjoy the insurance plan, They are always faced with complex conditions. If China's floating population's insurance service is improved, Chinese families The expenditure on external food will be greatly improved. There is no real evidence that education spending has a negative effect on the consumption of food spending other than the family's family, nor has any findings supported in the specific house value
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