发布时间:2021-11-03 23:40
【文章页数】:82 页
Chapter 1 Theoretical basis
1.1 The concept of high-tech and related content
1.1.1 The definition of high-tech
1.1.2 The characteristics of high-tech
1.2 Intellectual property
1.2.1 The origin and the evolution of the intellectual property
1.2.2 Meanings and scope of intellectual rights
1.2.3 The features of intellectual property
1.3 Intellectual property protection
1.3.1 The characteristics of the intellectual property protection system
1.4 The relationship of high-tech, intellectual property and intellectual property protection
1.4.1 The relationship of high-tech and intellectual property
1.4.2 The protection scope of high-tech intellectual property
Chapter 2 The status of high-tech intellectual property protection afterChina's entry into WTO
2.1 The status of the world intellectual property protection
2.1.1 Paris Convention
2.1.2 Berne Convention
2.1.3 The World Intellectual Property Organization
2.1.4 TRIPs agreement under the framework of WTO
2.2 The status of China's intellectual property after China's entry into WTO
2.2.1 The achievement of intellectual property protection after the entry into WTO
2.2.2 The status of intellectual property in China
2.2.3 The status of high-tech intellectual property in China
Chapter 3 The problems and challenges of high-tech intellectual property protection in China
3.1 Problems of intellectual property protection reflected form iPad infringements case
3.1.1 Case introduction
3.1.2 The problems reflects from iPad infringement
3.2 Other problems and challenges of high-tech intellectual property protection in China
3.2.1 The ownership is unclear, incentive mechanism is not perfect
3.2.2 Patent information resources occupancy volume is low, use information ability is weak
3.2.3 Thorough intellectual property management system hasn't been built
3.2.4 Effective intellectual property strategy hasn't been built
Chapter 4 Intellectual property protection references from the UnitedStates and India
4.1 The United States' intellectual property protection modes
4.1.1 Special 301 Clause
4.1.2 337 Clause
4.1.3 FTA
4.2 India's intellectual property protection mode
4.2.1 Program patent of pharmaceutical industry
4.2.2 The intellectual property protection of software industry
4.3 References from the United States and India
4.3.1 References from the United States' intellectual property protection
4.3.2 References from Indian's intellectual property protection
Chapter 5 The protection strategy of intellectual property in China
5.1 Perfect the incentive system of high-tech development in China
5.1.1 Explicit the ownership of high-tech
5.1.2 Enhance science and technology reward system of incentive system
5.1.3 Perfect the preferential policies of high-tech development
5.2 Perfect the protection laws and regulations of China's high-tech
5.2.1 Perfect patent protection system of our country
5.2.2 Perfect our country's copyright law on the protection of the high-tech
5.2.3 Enhance anti-unfair competition law on the protection of high-tech
5.2.4 Enhance the protection, creation, use and management of enterprise intellectual property
Chapter 6 Conclusion
[1]论美国337条款案对中国知识产权保护的借鉴意义[J]. 全小莲. 时代金融. 2012(11)
[2]中国知识产权保护对高技术产业竞争力影响的实证研究[J]. 郑亚莉,宋慧. 中国软科学. 2012(02)
[3]印度之鉴——浅析印度知识产权保护对我国的启示[J]. 李静. 中国发明与专利. 2011(02)
[4]浅析高新技术产业发展对重庆产业结构升级的影响[J]. 张铁力. 中国市场. 2010(28)
[5]万钢:高新企业是发展战略新兴产业重要载体[J]. 创新科技. 2010(07)
[6]论我国知识产权保护的现状与对策[J]. 郭宁月,张铁军. 河北大学成人教育学院学报. 2009(04)
[7]企业知识产权维权分析[J]. 江忠英. 文体用品与科技. 2009(10)
[8]我国知识产权保护的现状与对策[J]. 许伟. 重庆工学院学报(社会科学版). 2009(02)
[9]高新技术知识产权保护探析[J]. 吕锦芳,秦书生. 科技与经济. 2008(06)
[10]我国知识产权法制化建设的进程与当前面临的问题[J]. 李培. 中共青岛市委党校(青岛行政学院学报). 2008(12)
[1]经济全球化背景下国际贸易中的知识产权保护问题研究[D]. 范超.东北财经大学 2011
[1]高新技术企业知识产权保护问题研究[D]. 李蕊.吉林大学 2011
[2]自主知识产权与中国高新技术企业发展研究[D]. 张亮.武汉理工大学 2006
【文章页数】:82 页
Chapter 1 Theoretical basis
1.1 The concept of high-tech and related content
1.1.1 The definition of high-tech
1.1.2 The characteristics of high-tech
1.2 Intellectual property
1.2.1 The origin and the evolution of the intellectual property
1.2.2 Meanings and scope of intellectual rights
1.2.3 The features of intellectual property
1.3 Intellectual property protection
1.3.1 The characteristics of the intellectual property protection system
1.4 The relationship of high-tech, intellectual property and intellectual property protection
1.4.1 The relationship of high-tech and intellectual property
1.4.2 The protection scope of high-tech intellectual property
Chapter 2 The status of high-tech intellectual property protection afterChina's entry into WTO
2.1 The status of the world intellectual property protection
2.1.1 Paris Convention
2.1.2 Berne Convention
2.1.3 The World Intellectual Property Organization
2.1.4 TRIPs agreement under the framework of WTO
2.2 The status of China's intellectual property after China's entry into WTO
2.2.1 The achievement of intellectual property protection after the entry into WTO
2.2.2 The status of intellectual property in China
2.2.3 The status of high-tech intellectual property in China
Chapter 3 The problems and challenges of high-tech intellectual property protection in China
3.1 Problems of intellectual property protection reflected form iPad infringements case
3.1.1 Case introduction
3.1.2 The problems reflects from iPad infringement
3.2 Other problems and challenges of high-tech intellectual property protection in China
3.2.1 The ownership is unclear, incentive mechanism is not perfect
3.2.2 Patent information resources occupancy volume is low, use information ability is weak
3.2.3 Thorough intellectual property management system hasn't been built
3.2.4 Effective intellectual property strategy hasn't been built
Chapter 4 Intellectual property protection references from the UnitedStates and India
4.1 The United States' intellectual property protection modes
4.1.1 Special 301 Clause
4.1.2 337 Clause
4.1.3 FTA
4.2 India's intellectual property protection mode
4.2.1 Program patent of pharmaceutical industry
4.2.2 The intellectual property protection of software industry
4.3 References from the United States and India
4.3.1 References from the United States' intellectual property protection
4.3.2 References from Indian's intellectual property protection
Chapter 5 The protection strategy of intellectual property in China
5.1 Perfect the incentive system of high-tech development in China
5.1.1 Explicit the ownership of high-tech
5.1.2 Enhance science and technology reward system of incentive system
5.1.3 Perfect the preferential policies of high-tech development
5.2 Perfect the protection laws and regulations of China's high-tech
5.2.1 Perfect patent protection system of our country
5.2.2 Perfect our country's copyright law on the protection of the high-tech
5.2.3 Enhance anti-unfair competition law on the protection of high-tech
5.2.4 Enhance the protection, creation, use and management of enterprise intellectual property
Chapter 6 Conclusion
[1]论美国337条款案对中国知识产权保护的借鉴意义[J]. 全小莲. 时代金融. 2012(11)
[2]中国知识产权保护对高技术产业竞争力影响的实证研究[J]. 郑亚莉,宋慧. 中国软科学. 2012(02)
[3]印度之鉴——浅析印度知识产权保护对我国的启示[J]. 李静. 中国发明与专利. 2011(02)
[4]浅析高新技术产业发展对重庆产业结构升级的影响[J]. 张铁力. 中国市场. 2010(28)
[5]万钢:高新企业是发展战略新兴产业重要载体[J]. 创新科技. 2010(07)
[6]论我国知识产权保护的现状与对策[J]. 郭宁月,张铁军. 河北大学成人教育学院学报. 2009(04)
[7]企业知识产权维权分析[J]. 江忠英. 文体用品与科技. 2009(10)
[8]我国知识产权保护的现状与对策[J]. 许伟. 重庆工学院学报(社会科学版). 2009(02)
[9]高新技术知识产权保护探析[J]. 吕锦芳,秦书生. 科技与经济. 2008(06)
[10]我国知识产权法制化建设的进程与当前面临的问题[J]. 李培. 中共青岛市委党校(青岛行政学院学报). 2008(12)
[1]经济全球化背景下国际贸易中的知识产权保护问题研究[D]. 范超.东北财经大学 2011
[1]高新技术企业知识产权保护问题研究[D]. 李蕊.吉林大学 2011
[2]自主知识产权与中国高新技术企业发展研究[D]. 张亮.武汉理工大学 2006