本文选题:微机电系统(MEMS) 切入点:激光 出处:《浙江大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of microelectromechanical system constantly towards miniaturization and integrated development, micro drive technology has obtained the enormous attention and development have emerged, electrostatic, electromagnetic, piezoelectric, electric, thermal micro drive technology, the thermal micro actuator technology has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation, large driving force, can be realized remote control, easy miniaturization and integration, and has wide application prospect. Usually photothermal microactuators using the photoresist, high density polyethylene polymer as the driving materials, but these polymer materials in structural strength, heat resistance, reliability, and dynamic response performance is not ideal. Therefore, as the metal is put forward in this paper. A new thermal driven micro actuator materials, polymer to overcome these limitations of photothermal micro actuators. By using the technology of LIGA (a deep X ray lithography) Research Triangle, ratchet and pawl Photo thermal micro motor and peristaltic creeping mechanism of various metals such as photothermal micro actuators, and has carried on the theoretical and experimental research. The photo thermal expansion mechanism and thermal Huizhou driving technology to carry out a systematic study on the thermal expansion arm, the establishment of Huizhou under the action of laser thermal expansion of the steady and transient model. Firstly, elongation laser photothermal involves the absorption and expansion effect in heat conduction, heat convection, heat radiation and other physical phenomena and thermal expansion, discussed them in the photo thermal expansion effect. On this basis, the establishment of steady-state model and transient model of photothermal thermal expansion effect, the micro expansion arm as an example, calculation the formula of temperature field distribution and deformation of steady state and transient state, calculate the temperature distribution in continuous or micro expansion arm with variable shaped laser pulses. Design and development of a variety of metal thermal emblem driving machine Based on photo thermal expansion structure. On the theoretical model, design a variety of photothermal micro actuators: Triangle photothermal micro actuators, micro thermal ratchet motor, thermal peristaltic crawling mechanism, and the use of LIGA technology in Beijing synchrotron radiation source LIGA lines of these micro drive station was set up. The preparation and optimization of the drive control and microscopic observation system the emblem of photothermal drive. Driving control and microscopic observation system by the drive control module and micro observation module, drive control module is composed of laser and light path adjustment, can adjust the laser waveform and accurate laser gathering in the driving position to realize micro drive; micro observation module includes a drive control function and driving function analysis, image matching algorithm the software can accurately describe the video analysis of driving curve of micro actuator based on research. A triangular metal thermal drive drive emblem Dynamic characteristic. First describes the structure and driving principle of triangle photothermal microactuators, then using finite element method analysis of the continuous laser or pulsed laser irradiation, produced by the micro drive transient temperature distribution and expansion elongation, were investigated in different frequency excitation light under the action of dynamic response of the micro actuator, and the use of micro drive metal nickel prepared and carried out the corresponding experimental studies, the results coincide with theoretical analysis. Finally, the influence of key parameters, material properties and geometry of photothermal micro actuators driving performance and contribution. The theoretical and experimental study on new type thermal ratchet pawl motor, a peristaltic creeping mechanism of the thermal put forward. First elaborated the mechanical structure and drive motor thermal ratchet pawl mechanism, to provide the photo thermal expansion into linear reciprocating drive gear, Then use the LIGA technique to prepare thermal motor, and the experimental study was carried out, a preliminary validation of the idea of energy directly to output is a rotating machinery, creating new ideas of light utilization. Finally, a design can drive the photothermal crawling mechanism overall step forward peristalsis in the laser.
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