本文关键词: 红外热成像 火焰动态特征 图像分割 决策树 傅里叶变换 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Fire has always been a devastating disaster, which has threatened the human life, destroyed the material wealth and destroyed the ecological balance. Has caused serious harm to the development of human society and economic construction. In order to minimize the harm in the event of fire, It is the most practical and effective method to detect and extinguish fire in the early stage of fire. Traditional fire detection technology, such as smoke sensing, photosensitive, photosensitive and so on, is not only limited to the place of use. In recent years, with the continuous development of various science and technology, such as: pattern recognition, computer image processing technology, image sensor, etc. On this basis, the image-based fire detection technology has been gradually favored and applied to various places. Among them, the infrared thermal imaging technology has more one-dimensional temperature information on the basis of the image information. This is valuable for early fire detection, which is helpful for fire warning and fire trend analysis. Based on this, this paper applies image processing technology, combined with the characteristics of infrared thermal imaging flame image, This paper presents an early flame detection algorithm based on infrared thermal image features and applies it to fire detection system. The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, the background and present situation of image based flame detection technology are analyzed. Compared with the traditional fire detection technology, the advantages and disadvantages of the image flame detection technology are summarized, the present situation of the infrared thermal imaging fire detection technology is analyzed, and the image characteristics of the infrared thermal imaging are analyzed. In this paper, a new image segmentation method is proposed, which can accurately extract flame targets in bright areas and small targets in early fires. An algorithm module and morphological operation flow are selected for flame detection. Aiming at the low resolution of thermal imaging image, the dynamic characteristics of flame are analyzed, and three calculating methods of dynamic characteristics are proposed. A set of multidimensional feature vectors is constructed, and flame feature model is established. Then, C4.5 decision tree classification method is used to realize the recognition of suspicious targets. The experimental results show that the algorithm is simple and has good classification ability. On the basis of the previous work, the flame detection algorithm is applied to a flame recognition system. Using the temperature and image characteristics of thermal imaging, the early fire detection is realized. The experimental results of the application of the system to various flame detection are also given.
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