[Abstract]:In order to improve the situation of production safety, the essential safety management mode is more and more widely used in non-coal mining enterprises. However, the existing evaluation index system of enterprise safety culture is difficult to evaluate the safety culture situation of non-coal mining enterprises facing the essential safety. Therefore, how to scientifically and reasonably evaluate the safety culture of non-coal mining enterprises oriented to essential safety has become one of the key problems to be solved by this type of enterprises. Therefore, the content of this study is of great significance in both theory and practice. The specific research contents based on this paper are as follows: firstly, the research background and significance of the paper are expounded, and the current research situation at home and abroad is analyzed. On this basis, in order to facilitate the follow-up study, The related theories such as safety culture theory, essential safety theory and so on are analyzed in this paper, which will lay a theoretical foundation for further research. Secondly, according to the connotation of essential safety and the characteristics of non-coal mining enterprises combined with the principles of evaluation index system, the evaluation index system of safety culture of non-coal mining enterprises oriented to essential safety is established. The system consists of 4 secondary indicators and 15 tertiary indicators. Based on the characteristics of analytic hierarchy process (AHP), entropy weight coefficient method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, a comprehensive evaluation model of AHP, entropy weight coefficient and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is established to evaluate the safety culture of non-coal mining enterprises facing to essential safety. Finally, on the basis of the above research, the evaluation model is applied to a certain lead and zinc mine in Chongqing to verify the validity and scientific nature of the research results in this paper.
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