发布时间:2019-05-18 05:40
【摘要】:利用自行设计改装的煤岩体三轴渗流仪以低渗透性松软构造原煤体试件为研究对象进行实验,研究了抽采负压作用下松软构造煤体中瓦斯渗流规律。实验结果表明:静态加载过程中围压、轴压、进口瓦斯压力保持恒定的条件下瓦斯渗透率随着抽采负压的增大而增大,负压较高时,煤体瓦斯渗透率增幅较小,负压为30 kPa时,渗透率的增幅已趋于0;改变加载轴压、围压及瓦斯进气口压力,比较不同组别之间的差异性发现,随着加载轴压和围压的增大,构造煤瓦斯渗透率一直在降低,提高进气口瓦斯压力及出口抽采负压则有利于提高渗透率,但总体增幅较小。
[Abstract]:By using the self-designed and modified triaxial seepage instrument of coal and rock mass, the gas seepage law in soft structure coal body with low permeability and soft structure is studied by using the triaxial seepage instrument designed and modified by ourselves, and the gas seepage law in soft structure coal body under the action of suction negative pressure is studied. The experimental results show that the gas permeability increases with the increase of negative pressure during static loading under the condition that the pressure of confining pressure, axial pressure and inlet gas pressure is constant. When the negative pressure is high, the increase of gas permeability of coal body is small, and the negative pressure is 30 kPa. The increase of permeability has tended to 0; Changing the loading axial pressure, confining pressure and gas inlet pressure, and comparing the differences among different groups, it is found that with the increase of loading axial pressure and confining pressure, the permeability of structural coal gas has been decreasing. Increasing the gas pressure at the inlet and the negative pressure at the outlet are beneficial to improve the permeability, but the overall increase is small.
【作者单位】: 重庆水利水电职业技术学院;河南理工大学安全科学与工程学院;
[Abstract]:By using the self-designed and modified triaxial seepage instrument of coal and rock mass, the gas seepage law in soft structure coal body with low permeability and soft structure is studied by using the triaxial seepage instrument designed and modified by ourselves, and the gas seepage law in soft structure coal body under the action of suction negative pressure is studied. The experimental results show that the gas permeability increases with the increase of negative pressure during static loading under the condition that the pressure of confining pressure, axial pressure and inlet gas pressure is constant. When the negative pressure is high, the increase of gas permeability of coal body is small, and the negative pressure is 30 kPa. The increase of permeability has tended to 0; Changing the loading axial pressure, confining pressure and gas inlet pressure, and comparing the differences among different groups, it is found that with the increase of loading axial pressure and confining pressure, the permeability of structural coal gas has been decreasing. Increasing the gas pressure at the inlet and the negative pressure at the outlet are beneficial to improve the permeability, but the overall increase is small.
【作者单位】: 重庆水利水电职业技术学院;河南理工大学安全科学与工程学院;