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发布时间:2019-06-12 02:40
[Abstract]:With the increasing of the traffic mileage of the expressway in our country, the emergency of the expressway is more and more, and the heavy events happen frequently; at the same time, the state has paid more and more attention to the emergency, especially the requirement for the reporting system of the emergency is very strict, And the effect is good. Because the emergency rescue of the expressway emergency has the characteristics of multi-industry, difficult management and coordination and complex technology, the relevant research in China is mainly focused on the implementation of emergency treatment process and information submission, but for emergency response classification, The existing research of traffic organization management, emergency resource scheduling and post-rescue capability assessment after the emergency is still insufficient, and it is worth to-depth study. Meanwhile, finding a better solution to these problems is of great practical significance to the emergency treatment of the expressway emergency. On the basis of this, the paper has carried out the event response classification, traffic organization and emergency resource scheduling in the emergency rescue of the expressway emergency, based on the emergency rescue project of the Guangzhou-Guangzhou Expressway and the "Integrated technology development and demonstration application of comprehensive prevention and treatment of heavy road traffic accident" project of the national scientific and technological support plan. The research of key technologies such as emergency rescue capability assessment has obtained the following research results: (1) The paper starts with the common traffic emergency category of the expressway, and analyzes the main influence of various common emergency events and the direct loss of the event of the traffic emergency. The emergency treatment difficulty, the operation status of the road network, the degree of traffic impact and the like are used as the main indexes, and the highway traffic emergency response grade is divided into a first-level event (special event) and a second-level event (major event) by selecting a suitable evaluation standard method, Five levels of three-level events (large events), four-level events (general events), and five-level events (minor events) are specified and the conditions for each level are specified. The determination of the emergency response level of the expressway is of great significance to the accuracy and the timeliness of the emergency rescue decision. (2) The paper analyzes the influence of the expressway emergency on the traffic flow along the expressway and the convenience of the traffic organization, and proposes that the affected area of the expressway emergency is divided into different sections, and the starting position of the different sections is different. The characteristics of traffic organization and so on are analyzed, and the traffic organization of special sections of the tunnel entrance, the inner and the outlet and the special sections of the tunnel entrance, the inner and the outlet and other special sections in the tunnel entrance, the inner and the outlet and other special sections in the tunnel entrance, the inner and the outlet and the like is further researched in the light of the general section of the highway, And a better traffic organization scheme is proposed. (3) The paper lists the process of the emergency rescue and material dispatch of the expressway, and uses the mathematical model with the shortest time and low cost as the objective to solve the problem of the financing of the emergency resource (the manufacturer to the reserve point), and with the start of the emergency rescue, the emergency resource is required to be dispatched from each storage point to each consumption point to solve the problem that the cost is saved and the fastest arrival problem in a given time is solved; and during the emergency rescue process, one or more emergency resources which are rapidly consumed by the reserve point need to be supplemented at different time phases, The emergency resource scheduling and resolution method provided above has practical guiding significance to the emergency rescue of the expressway. (4) The paper first analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the common evaluation methods and various methods, and then, according to the characteristics of the emergency rescue of the expressway emergency, puts forward the evaluation index system of the emergency rescue capability of the expressway emergency which is combined with the qualitative and quantitative analysis, and determines the guarantee of the emergency mechanism. The emergency resource security, information and communication guarantee, emergency monitoring response, emergency decision-making disposal, etc. are the main indexes of the evaluation, and the optimized fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is adopted to complete the assessment of the emergency rescue capability of the expressway, and the deficiency of the emergency rescue capability is continuously improved.


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