本文关键词:价值工程在鄂州高架桥成本管理中的应用研究 出处:《西南交通大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 高架桥施工 成本控制 价值工程 功能分析 价值系数
【摘要】:我国高架桥工程项目随着经济的发展,逐渐扩展到全国各地的各个区域,作为城市主要的交通设施,高架桥越来越受到国家政府的支持和关注,价值工程作为控制施工成本的一种方法,在高架桥施工建设中发挥着重要的作用。首先,价值工程在分部分项工程成本控制中的应用时,通过价值工程百分比分析法挑选钻孔灌注桩施工、承台施工、墩台身施工、现浇梁施工、支架体系施工以及系杆拱施工工程6项工程作为研究对象,进行价值工程的功能分析,功能评价,发现在钻孔灌注桩施工中机械费成本高达57.7%,通过方案的创造后,最终决定将工程钻机租赁改为购买,购买费用为350万元。工程钻机210天租金付费378万,因此,购买工程钻机比租赁节省了节约了 28万元,从而将总的机械成本缩减了 7.41%。将钻孔灌注桩分部分项工程工程节约了 0.84%的成本。其次,价值工程在施工材料选购中的应用时,发现所需要花费的钢筋量高达993吨,由于鄂州高架桥工程的独特特性,严重依赖于钢筋的质量。本文借助于价值工程法来挑选究对象,通过邀请5名相关行业的权威专家,运用价值工程方法对A、B、C、D、E共5家供应商进行对比评估,通过计算5家供应商的质量、运费、声誉、价格共4个方面进行全面定量的评估和衡量,最终将B其定为本次的供应商研究对象。再其次,价值工程在机械设备中的应用,通过价值工程方法对A、B、C共3种水泵进行对象选择,功能分析,功能评价以及最终方案选择,在全面定量的考虑了三种水泵的质量和成本后,最后选择决定购买A水泵。最后,根据价值工程的方法对项目施工前期成本分析控制,材料的对象选择以及功能与其费用的评价和对机械设备进行挑选,综合得出价值工程在成本控制中的最优方案。价值工程作为实现工程项目所有必备的功能之后,尽可能的降低工程的成本,用最低的费用满足最合理的功能,同时不断鼓励企业创新,运用价值工程分析对象,进行功能和费用的研究,从而帮助企业获得最佳的技术经济效益。
[Abstract]:China's viaduct project with the development of economy, and gradually extended to all areas of the country, as the city's main traffic facilities, the viaduct has attracted more and more government support and attention, value engineering is a kind of method of construction cost control, plays an important role in the construction of viaduct construction. First of all, the application of value engineering in cost control in the project, through value engineering analysis method to choose the percentage of bored pile construction, pile construction, pier construction, cast-in-place beam construction, support system construction and construction engineering tied arch 6 projects as the research object, function evaluation function of value engineering analysis, found that the mechanical costs as high as 57.7% in the construction of bored pile, the scheme is created, the final decision will be changed to engineering rig lease purchase, the purchase cost of 3 million 500 thousand yuan. Drilling engineering 210 days to pay rent 3 million 780 thousand, therefore, the purchase of Engineering rig than rental saved saved 280 thousand yuan, which will reduce the total cost of mechanical 7.41%. bored piles part engineering to save 0.84% of the cost. Secondly, the value engineering in the construction materials of the purchase should be used when the quantity needed of bar the cost of up to 993 tons, due to the unique characteristics of Ezhou viaduct project, the quality is heavily dependent on steel. Based on the value engineering method to select the object, by the authority of experts invited 5 related industries, using value engineering method for A, B, C, D, E a total of 5 suppliers were compared through the calculation of quality assessment, 5 suppliers of freight, reputation, assessment of the price of a total of 4 aspects to conduct a comprehensive and quantitative measure, will B it as the supplier of research object. Secondly, the application of value engineering in mechanical equipment,. Value engineering method for A, B, C a total of 3 kinds of pumps to carry out the object selection, function analysis, function evaluation and selection of the final plan, in the comprehensive quantitative consideration of three water quality and cost, finally decided to buy A pump. Finally, according to the method of value engineering analysis on construction project cost pre control the object, material selection and evaluation of the function and cost of mechanical equipment and selection, and concluded that the optimal solution of value engineering in cost control. After the value engineering as the realization of project all necessary functions, reduce the project cost as much as possible, with the lowest cost to meet the reasonable function, while continuing to encourage enterprises innovation, using value engineering analysis research object, function and cost, to help enterprises to obtain the best technical and economic benefits.
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