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第 27 卷第 2 期 同 济 大 学 学 报 Vol. 27. No. 2 1999 年 4 月 JOURNAL OF TONGJ I UNIVERSITY A r. 1999 p 桥梁健康监测与状态评估的研究现状与发展3 袁万城 崔 飞 张启伟 同济大学桥梁工程系,上海 ,200092 摘要 综述了桥梁结构健康监测的一些实际应用. 对以往有关损伤诊断的一些方法进行了评价 , 着重分析了当 前桥梁健康监测中所遇到的困难. 在此基础上结合桥梁的结构特性与工作环境提出了一套新的桥梁健康监测 与状态评估发展策略 , 其中强调了结构动力指纹增长与更新的概念以及动态子结构与模型修正法的综合运用, 并最终将桥梁承载能力作为状态评估的重要指数 ,使桥梁的观察、监测与安全评估有机地统一起来. 关键词 桥梁 ;健康监测 ;状态评估 ;承载能力 分类号 U443 Current Re search and Develop ment of Structural Health Monitoring and Condition Asse ssment for Bridge s Yuan Wancheng Cui Fei Zhang Qiwei De artment of Brid e En ineerin , Ton i Universit , Shan hai , 200092 p g g g gj y g Abstract In this a er , several ractical im lementations of health monitorin for brid es are reviewed. Comments p p p p g g are made on the revious work of dama e identification for structures , es eciall focusin on some of the difficulties in p g p y g current research. Based on the review and summar , a new monitorin strate ic lan of brid e is resented. Of in2 y g g p g p terest in this work is a discussion of the erformance of brid e and a resentation of ideas on “si nature rowth and p g p g g u datin ”in order to monitor brid es durin their life s ans. Finall , load ca acit should be re arded as an im or2 p g g g p y p y g p tant index for the condition assessment of brid e and be included in the s stem. g y Ke words Brid e ; Health monitorin ; Condition assessment ;





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