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发布时间:2018-01-14 20:41

  本文关键词:就地热再生沥青加铺层结构设计研究 出处:《长沙理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 原沥青路面 就地热再生技术 半刚性基层 沥青加铺层 弯沉

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of transportation in China, the performance of asphalt pavement of expressway has declined gradually after many years of repeated driving load, and many kinds of diseases and different degrees of damage have appeared in recent years. China is still in the period of rapid development of expressway, some of the long opening time of highway asphalt pavement disease phenomenon, China will enter the highway construction. Due to the huge consumption of basic construction resources, which is contrary to the scientific development concept of our country, how to protect the environment and save resources. Reasonable selection of asphalt pavement maintenance measures to improve the performance of asphalt pavement and extend the service life of asphalt pavement has an important role. In the maintenance of asphalt pavement, the recycling of resources should be fully considered to ensure the sustainable development of resources, environment and social and economic benefits. The technology of geothermal regeneration has been successfully used in the overhaul project of Lei Yi Expressway. Full use of the original pavement materials, but also to ensure the quality of the road after overhaul. This study through field sampling, laboratory test analysis to add 5% in the old asphalt regeneration agent. It can make the aging asphalt recover its rheology; The pavement performance of recycled asphalt mixture obtained by adding 15% new mixture into old asphalt mixture has been greatly improved. The original asphalt pavement should be regenerated during overhaul of high speed asphalt pavement. Adding new asphalt layer, because of the original pavement, the lower asphalt layer is the base of the new pavement structure, so the overhauled pavement structure is inclined to the flexible base, aiming at the characteristics of the flexible base pavement structure combination. This paper explores and studies the reasonable asphalt overlay structure after regenerating the original asphalt pavement of Leiyi High Speed, and through the actual measurement of deflection of each structure layer and traffic volume prediction analysis and calculation, uses the Bisar3.0 software to carry on the demonstration and analysis. The results show that the method of in-situ regeneration and the selection of overlay structure adopted by the original road surface of Leiyi Expressway are reliable. The HPDS2011 and Bisar3.0 software are used to analyze the typical semi-rigid in Hunan area. The asphalt pavement of the base structure is calculated and analyzed. Several kinds of overlay schemes suitable for asphalt pavement maintenance in Hunan are recommended. The results can be used as reference for similar projects. This paper also analyzes the data by tracking and observing the experimental road. The change of overall strength after overlaying of reclaimed asphalt and some matters needing attention in construction are summarized, which can be used for reference in other similar projects.


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