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发布时间:2018-01-27 05:23

  本文关键词: 道路工程 国际平整度指数 Simulink仿真 行驶速度 实测路面 出处:《公路交通科技》2017年12期  论文类型:期刊论文

【摘要】:为了掌握国际平整度指数(IRI)主要影响因素的作用规律,建立1/4车模型的动力学方程及国际平整度指数的数学计算模型,解析IRI的不平整激励、行驶速度及行驶时间3类影响因素;在分析传统解析法和数值法求解IRI模型不足的基础上,提出基于Matlab/Simulink仿真模块的模型求解流程。分别以正弦函数形式路面、随机函数形式路面和实测高程路面生成相应不平整激励的数据集,定量综合分析国际平整度指数在行驶速度、波长、振幅和空间位置等影响因素作用下的分布特性。结果表明:(1)在3种不同路面激励下,国际平整度指数与速度整体上呈先增大后减小的趋势,而非传统的单调递增关系;(2)对正弦函数不平整激励,不同速度下IRI值与振幅成正比,IRI的敏感波段均位于0.5~2.7 m的短波范围,可用于解析实测路面的起伏波长和振幅对IRI值的作用关系;(3)对随机不平整激励,平稳的随机噪声使得每个分段内不平整激励的规律相同,IRI值随速度梯度的变化明显,可用于解析实测路面的随机噪声与IRI的作用关系;(4)与基于函数模拟的不平整激励相比,实测路面的国际平整度指数与速度的关系具有显著差异,IRI具有数值小、上升和下降速度相对缓慢的特征,实测路面不平整激励可看作是正弦函数和随机路面不平整激励的复杂组合。
[Abstract]:In order to understand the action law of the main influencing factors of the international smoothness index (IRI), the dynamic equation of the 1/4 car model and the mathematical calculation model of the international smoothness index are established, and the unevenness excitation of IRI is analyzed. Driving speed and driving time are three kinds of influencing factors; On the basis of analyzing the shortage of traditional analytical method and numerical method to solve IRI model, the model solving flow based on Matlab/Simulink simulation module is proposed. The random function form of pavement and the measured elevation pavement generate the corresponding unevenness excitation data set, quantitatively and synthetically analyze the international smoothness index in driving speed and wavelength. The results show that the international smoothness index and velocity increase first and then decrease under the excitation of three different road surfaces. Rather than the traditional monotone increasing relationship; (2) the sensitive band of IRI is in the short wave range of 0.5 ~ 2.7m when the sinusoidal function is not even excited and the IRI value is proportional to the amplitude at different velocities. It can be used to analyze the relationship between the fluctuation wavelength and amplitude of the measured pavement and the IRI value. 3) for random uneven excitation, stationary random noise makes the rule of unevenness in each segment the same and the change of IRI value with velocity gradient is obvious. It can be used to analyze the relationship between random noise and IRI. Compared with the unevenness excitation based on the function simulation, the relationship between the international smoothness index and the velocity of the measured pavement is significantly different. The IRI has the characteristics of small value and relatively slow speed of rising and falling. The measured road roughness excitation can be regarded as a complex combination of sinusoidal function and random road roughness excitation.
【作者单位】: 陆地交通气象灾害防治技术国家工程实验室云南省交通规划设计研究院;
【基金】:国家科技支撑计划(2014BAG01B01) 云南省科技厅项目(2016FB099)
【正文快照】: 0引言道路路面平整度是路面表面相对于理想平面的竖向偏差,直接反映路面的行驶舒适性及安全性[1]。既有路面平整度的评价指标包括3 m直尺下最大间隙、国际平整度指数IRI、平整度标准差σ和功率谱密度PSD等[2]。Sayers等于1982年在巴西等国家进行路面平整度试验[3],提出了国际


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