本文关键词: 水泥乳化沥青混凝土 早强快硬 强度形成机理 组成设计 出处:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Cement emulsified asphalt concrete quick repair material (CAC for short) is a semi-flexible material made from cement, emulsified asphalt, coarse aggregate and admixture. It has the advantages of both cement concrete and asphalt mixture. As a new kind of asphalt pavement repair material, it has a broad application prospect. On the basis of consulting a large number of related documents and combining with the early test results, the composition design of CAC fast repair material is studied, and the application of solid engineering is carried out. The main research results are as follows: firstly, the mechanism of emulsified asphalt demulsification film formation is studied, and the process of demulsifying asphalt film formation is divided into three stages, and it is concluded that the film formed by emulsified asphalt after demulsification has certain mechanical properties. Therefore, it plays a great role in promoting the strength formation of CAC rapid repair materials; expounds the hardening mechanism and strength forming mechanism of CAC rapid repair materials; through the experimental study of compatibility between raw materials, The optimum cement content and emulsified asphalt content of CAC fast repair material were determined by considering the influence of cement, emulsified asphalt on splitting strength, residual stability, void rate and so on. At the same time, the relationship between the optimum cement content and the optimum emulsified asphalt dosage and the amount of sand and water are studied, and the optimum ratio of cement to sand and the optimum water consumption are determined, and the effect of aggregate type and grade on the performance of CAC fast repair material is studied. In order to obtain the aggregates that can improve the properties of CAC fast repair materials, control the slump, compressive strength and other conditions in order to obtain the best admixture quantity. Secondly, the mechanical properties of CAC quick repair materials include compressive strength. The flexural strength and modulus of elasticity are tested and studied. The change law is analyzed, and the initial mix ratio is determined. The CAC materials with high early strength and high deformation ability are obtained. The durability of CAC fast repair materials with different mix ratio was studied. The low temperature performance and freeze-thaw splitting performance of CAC fast repair materials were tested and analyzed. The results showed that the CAC fast repair materials were under suitable mix ratio. It has good low temperature crack resistance and water stability. Thirdly, the high temperature and fatigue properties of CAC fast repair materials are tested under the best mix ratio. The results show that the fast repair materials have good high temperature resistance. Under the action of 1.1 MPA, the fast repairing material of CAC was not broken after 50,000 times of loading, which shows that it has good fatigue resistance. Finally, the solid engineering application of CAC rapid repair material is carried out by using the best mix ratio, and the field construction technology is put forward. The results show that the application effect of CAC fast restoration material is remarkable.
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