本文关键词: 交通流 快速公交 元胞自动机 MATLAB 建模 仿真 出处:《北京交通大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, people's income and living standard are improving day by day, the number of urban motor vehicles is increasing rapidly, the urban traffic travel is increasing a lot, traffic congestion, environmental pollution and other urban traffic problems are becoming more and more serious. Bus rapid transit system (BRT) is one of the most popular modes of public transport in the international engineering community to solve the urban traffic problems. The emergence of it brings an opportunity to solve the increasingly serious traffic problems in the major cities of China. Based on the overall analysis of the existing classical traffic flow models and combined with the characteristics of the mixed traffic flow of urban traffic in China, the special type of traffic model is considered in this paper. The factors of mass transit vehicles mixed in traffic flow, recalibrating cell length, running speed and acceleration rules, formulating lane transition rules, establishing a model considering the characteristics of BRT, and simulating based on Matlab software platform are presented. The paper analyzes the characteristics of BRT, summarizes the elements of BRT, points out the characteristics and advantages of BRT, points out its characteristics and advantages, and analyzes the behavior of BRT. According to the theory of nonlinear stimulus response, the acceleration is obtained, the influence of extra long BRT bus special vehicle on the traffic flow is considered, and the NS model is adjusted to introduce the average vehicle distance, lane occupancy and other parameters. The improved model is implemented by MATLAB simulation. When the free movement phase and density are the same, the traffic flow is not affected by the length of the vehicle, and when the density is the same, the traffic flow of the BRT bus is more likely to occur local congestion than the car. The speed of blocking back propagation is also faster, and the probability of stoppage is also higher. When the lane share is the same, the total flow of cars is larger than that of BRT bus, and the speed drops faster. Considering that the length of BRT bus is too long, It has a great influence on the traffic flow. In the actual traffic, the traffic flow model with multi-lane traffic flow with special bus lanes is constructed by adding the changing rules into the different sections of traffic. And through simulation, the space-time map and lane occupancy change chart of two traffic management measures, namely, the car can enter the special bus lane and the car is forbidden to enter the bus special lane, are obtained. The effect of two kinds of measures on traffic flow is compared and analyzed. In the actual traffic, the traffic flow should be different in different periods, and the feasible operation measures should be worked out in order to improve the utilization ratio of the lane, reduce congestion and reduce the emission. Improve the environmental condition.) collect the actual traffic flow data of the section of Beijing bus Rapid Transit Line 1, and carry on the statistical distribution of the data, and get that the arrival distribution of the social driveway car and the conventional bus is binomial distribution. The fast bus arrival distribution of the special bus lane is Poisson distribution. The traffic characteristics are analyzed by using the model to simulate the traffic flow.
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