本文关键词: 软土 混凝土外加剂 力学性能 变形 水稳定性 出处:《重庆大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As a special soil, soft soil is widely distributed in our country. It has poor engineering properties such as low strength, poor permeability and large compression. The treatment of soft soil is a technical problem that must be solved. It is a common treatment method to use soil curing agent to modify soft soil, but at present, the most widely used curing agent is lime and cement. The concrete admixtures are mostly ionic surfactants and have good dispersity, so they are widely used in the construction of concrete. However, the study on the application of concrete admixture to soil solidification is still lacking. In order to explore the effect and mechanism of concrete admixture on soft soil improvement, In this paper, three kinds of concrete admixtures are selected and their effects on mechanical properties, deformation and water stability of soft soil are studied. In this paper, the mechanism of modified soft soil is analyzed by reference to the curing mechanism of the existing curing agent, the action principle of admixture and the characteristics of clay particles. The experimental results show that the retarding and high efficiency water reducing agent can be used to modify the soft soil. Naphthalene superplasticizer and air-entraining agent can effectively improve the unconfined compressive strength and shear strength of soft soil, reduce the deformation of soft soil and improve the water stability of soft soil. The retarding superplasticizer and naphthalene superplasticizer modified soft soil together with lime have higher unconfined compressive strength than that of lime alone modified soft soil, and have a slight effect on improving water stability, and when naphthalene superplasticizer is used as cement soil additive, The order in which the cement and the cement are added will have a great influence on the modification effect. When the cement is added to the cement for a period of time and then the naphthalene superplasticizer is added, The unconfined compressive strength of soft soil will be further improved. Through microscopic test and analysis, it is found that the admixture can change the structure of soft soil and make it more dense. When modified with retarding and high efficiency water reducer and naphthalene series superplasticizer, Cement can be formed on the surface of soil particles; the particles of air-entrainer modified soil are interlaced with each other with relatively dense space structure, in which small closed pores are observed; admixtures are conducive to the formation of hydration products in lime modified soil and cement modified soil, and the formation of hydration products in lime modified soil and cement modified soil is beneficial to the formation of hydration products. The results of CT scan show that the admixture can optimize the pore structure and distribution of soil to a certain extent and then improve the properties of soil.
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