本文关键词: 盾构 影响评估 Midas GTS 地铁隧道 出处:《湘潭大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着我国国民经济的快速发展,许多大城市正在或者即将修建地铁。然而在隧道盾构施工过程中,不可避免地会对周围土体及邻近建筑物产生扰动,导致地表沉降(隆起)及邻近建筑物开裂等事故。因此,对区间隧道作工程影响分析是十分必要的,它能有效的降低施工过程中所引发的工程事故,确保工程的顺利完成。本论文针对金高区间,采用盾构法施工过程中可能遇到的风险,作工程影响分析与研究,确定了盾构区间隧道施工阶段存在的风险点,然后就各风险点通过有限元软件Midas GTS对其作数值模拟分析,主要研究内容有:1.对所选工程对象从盾构管片的拼装方式、管片拼装允许误差、管片结构计算理论及有限元模拟计算分析等方面作盾构隧道自身强度的研究,确保衬砌环满足正常使用及承载能力极限状态的要求。2.针对所选区间隧道,就盾构施工过程中对周围土体的扰动,引起地表沉降或隆起作施工影响分析,从埋置深度(1.0D、1.5D、2.0D、3.0D)及左右隧道W/D(0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5、0.6、0.8、1.0、1.2、1.5、2.0)值变化时,深入研究隧道盾构施工在不同工况下引起地表沉降或隆起的变化规律,找出在不同埋深下的最优净距,为以后工程提供有效的参考价值。3.通过有限元软件Midas GTS建立三维数值模型,模拟盾构法施工过程中对周围土体及邻近建筑物的影响规律。在模拟中以单元的生死变化、盾尾不同注浆压力及不同掌子面推力,来实现对盾构掘进的动态施工模拟与控制因素对地表沉降的影响规律。同时重点研究了盾构法施工对临近不同距离(L/D)建筑物的影响。这种影响包括地表纵横向的沉降规律、建筑物基础的沉降变化规律以及建筑物和管片的受力特征等。本文通过对地铁区间隧道施工对周围环境影响的研究分析,能够加强对地铁施工过程中影响因素的预测、防范和控制,减少事故的发生率。同时为以后新建类似工程在线路埋深、左右线净距及邻近建筑物的保护等方面具有切实的参考价值。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's national economy, many large cities are or will soon build subways. However, in the course of shield tunneling construction, the surrounding soil and adjacent buildings will inevitably be disturbed. Therefore, it is very necessary to analyze the engineering influence of the interval tunnel, which can effectively reduce the engineering accidents caused by the construction process, such as surface subsidence (uplift) and the cracking of adjacent buildings. To ensure the smooth completion of the project. In this paper, according to the risks that may be encountered in the construction process of the shield tunneling method, the risk points in the tunnel construction phase of the shield section are determined by the analysis and study of the engineering impact. Then the numerical simulation analysis of each risk point is carried out through the finite element software Midas GTS. The main research contents are as follows: 1. The assembly method of the selected engineering object from the shield segment, the allowable error of the segment assembly, In order to ensure that the lining ring meets the requirements of normal use and limit state of bearing capacity, the strength of shield tunnel is studied in the aspects of segment structure calculation theory and finite element simulation calculation and analysis. When ground subsidence or uplift caused by disturbance to surrounding soil mass during shield tunneling is analyzed, when the value of ground subsidence or uplift is changed from the depth of buried 1.0 DX 1.5D ~ (2. 0) D ~ (3)) and the left and right tunnel W / D ~ (0. 2) 0. 3 ~ 0. 4 ~ 0. 5 ~ 0. 6 ~ 0. 81.0 ~ 1. 21.52.0), The variation law of ground subsidence or uplift caused by shield tunneling under different working conditions is deeply studied, and the optimum net distance under different burial depth is found out. To provide effective reference value for the future engineering. 3. Through the finite element software Midas GTS, the three-dimensional numerical model is established to simulate the influence of shield tunneling method on the surrounding soil and adjacent buildings. In the simulation, the element life and death changes are taken into account. Different grouting pressure and different face thrust of shield tail, In order to realize the dynamic construction simulation of shield tunneling and the influence of controlling factors on surface subsidence, the influence of shield tunneling on L- / D buildings at different distances is studied. This influence includes the settlement law of surface longitudinal and transverse direction. Based on the analysis of the influence of subway tunnel construction on the surrounding environment, the prediction of the influencing factors in the subway construction process can be strengthened. At the same time, it has practical reference value in the aspects of the buried depth of the line, the distance between the left and right lines and the protection of the adjacent buildings for the construction of similar projects in the future.
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