本文关键词: 公路桥梁 养护管理 质量控制 出处:《浙江工业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of economy, the highway network of our country has basically covered every administrative village, and the number of highway bridges has also been increased rapidly. Now, the number of highway bridges in our country has already ranked first in the world. Because of the reasons of design and construction, Caused a lot of quality problems. Combined with the lack of management, maintenance and the impact of overloaded vehicles and other reasons, the bridge damage intensified, the number increased year by year. A large number of dangerous bridges, The existence of diseased bridges has become a major safety hazard in traffic and transportation, and has seriously threatened the normal use of highways. How to improve the quality of highway bridge maintenance projects, maintain the good technical condition of highway bridges, and prolong their service life, The basic purpose of highway bridge maintenance is to improve the quality of maintenance and prolong the service life of highway bridge. Under the logical framework of problem solving, using the relevant theory and knowledge of project quality management, this paper analyzes and diagnoses the problems existing in the quality control process of highway and bridge maintenance project. The final improvement scheme and suggestion are put forward. As the key to the formation of maintenance project quality lies in the implementation stage of the project, this paper mainly studies the quality control in the course of highway and bridge maintenance project implementation. This paper systematically studies the principle, basis and method of quality control of highway and bridge maintenance project. The quality influencing factors and control methods of maintenance engineering project and the establishment and operation of quality control plan and management system are established and run. At the same time, the theoretical results are applied in the course of carrying out the maintenance and reinforcement project of Yinzhou Yinjiang Bridge. The research in this paper provides a systematic and scientific theoretical and practical basis for the quality control of highway and bridge maintenance projects.
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