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发布时间:2018-03-08 02:27

  本文选题:生鲜农产品 切入点:运输 出处:《长安大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Compared with the traditional goods, fresh agricultural products transportation process technology standards, batch and quantity, cost changes greatly, transportation is the important link between the supply side and demand side, is the key of logistics service quality, is a prerequisite for improving the logistics vitality. As a kind of social and economic activities transport, cannot do without people's decision, the decision of fresh agricultural products transportation rationality related to transportation efficiency, the reason is: first, the natural environment, social environment and people's cognitive level, will be on the mode of transport decision-making have different effects, in the mode of transport due to the transport demand decision formal decision makers the preference varies obviously; second, technical characteristics and economic advantages of various modes of transport, the comparative advantage of the same transport demand under different characteristics; third, fresh agricultural products The process of transportation decision-making belongs to non rational selection process, decision makers of the mode of transport "does not meet their needs, is not conducive to transport to" acceptance of different preferences to different differences in sensitivity, but also affect the transportation decision-making. This paper aims to analyze the general process of fresh agricultural products transportation decision-making behavior and analysis of its internal mechanism, through the verification of subjective and objective factors of the decision, the reliability attribute extraction description transportation system performance, in order to explore the optimum decision system under performance constraints, to make reasonable decision provides the theory reference. All aspects of fresh agricultural products logistics are transport activities throughout the transportation of fresh agricultural products production, processing, distribution and consumption, between the logistics node, transport carrier and shipper has different needs, with carrying with transition The modern logistics system of fresh agricultural products. Based on the transport transport efficiency, transport service quality put forward higher requirements, process effect on logistics transportation activities will continue to expand and deepen. Therefore, to explore the decision-making mode of transport logistics system cannot do without the decision-making environment, transport sort out the whole process of logistics. The mechanism, summarize the transport situation of different logistics mode, and to analyze the contradiction between transportation demand, is conducive to better grasp the transportation system performance analysis is more realistic guiding significance for decision-making. The timeliness, convenience, economy, safety is the description of key elements of transportation system performance, to study the influence of these factors the behavior of different modes of transport, elements of the abstract concrete, reflecting mainly objective factors. Through screening, the cost, efficiency and safety "as the measurement of subjective factors influence The latent variables, the transportation infrastructure construction, logistics system, transportation standards, the concept of "low carbon environmental protection as the objective measurement factors of latent variable, structural equation model. In order to explore the mode of transportation decision objective condition influence and subjective preference, clarify the relationship in the decision making process the analysis and draw the different modes of transport cost and time, the influence on decision-making of safety factors and degree, lay the foundation for the research on the decision making behavior under reliability constraints. For the transportation of fresh agricultural product quality requirements, the difference between the obvious characteristics of attributes, the reliability theory is applied to the performance measurement of different attributes. The diagnosis is the quality of transport, determine the theoretical basis of the mode of transportation decision quality. Quality of fresh agricultural products transportation system performance, from the economic reliability, aging Three aspects of reliability, safety and reliability analysis, combing the influencing factors of transportation system reliability, and reliability attributes influence mutually the degree and extent of the final "to calculate the transport safety and reliability to measure reliability of the transportation system of fresh agricultural products, and to explore its rationality. By fault tree, the risk (or safety, transportation readiness) quality" as the research object, the design of index system, according to the logic of events on the top and bottom layers caused by the incident and intermediate event connection, draw risk system structure diagram, and based on the mapping rules into the corresponding Bayesian network, in order to calculate the risk of transportation on the top event probability and the whole system reliability analysis system, and complete failure, the bottom event exerted on the transport system reliability of the posterior probability and the change rate of the mode of transportation will. Policy belongs to the individual "irrational" activities at the same time, restricted by various conditions, embodies the subjective choice of the objective conditions of the difference, the difference mode of transportation alternatives is mainly reflected in the properties of different modes of transport, each decision-maker on transportation scheme attribute difference different sensitivity, divided into value differences, not too much difference three, different attitude under the mode of transportation decision do not value differences. Research on decision making of fresh agricultural products transportation in this paper, the ultimate use of multi attribute decision making method, the transportation safety as an important alternative attribute, reflected in the weights of risk weights for each scheme and other factors accounted for different, according to different attributes between different modes of transport, to meet the high possibility of compensation mechanism, in low degree, make corresponding decisions. Each road transportation may imply potential transportation risk, prominent scheme The difference of safety attributes can better reflect the scientificity and practicability of transportation mode decision, and more accord with the rule of preference preference under objective constraints, so as to provide ideas for solving the contradictory problems that can not be considered in time and quality in reality.



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