本文选题:闽北高速公路 切入点:交通安全 出处:《福建农林大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of highway traffic, the mileage of the North Fujian Expressway has reached 757 kilometers. There are six main lines, including the Fu-Silver Line, the Changzhen-Shenzhen Line, the Beijing-Taiwan Line, the Ningshangshang Line, the Pujian Line, the Ancient political Line, and so on. With the increase of the mileage, the traffic flow will gradually increase. The highway safety management work is increasingly severe. Nanping City is the main terrain in the north of Fujian. Its topography is complex, waterfront, cliffs; the climate is changeable, bad weather is common; the linear shape is complex, the slope is steep, the curved section is often seen. At present, there are few researches on traffic safety of North Fujian Expressway, the research contents are scattered, and it is mainly focused on the analysis and evaluation after the accident, so the lag is obvious. The key of traffic safety management of North Fujian expressway lies in doing the accident prevention work well, controlling and reducing the traffic safety risk of the highway in the north of Fujian Province, and improving the traffic safety. Firstly, the paper studies the theory of risk and risk management. This paper clarifies the possible impact of risk from different angles, clarifies the importance of risk assessment, and defines expressway traffic safety risk according to the nature of risk and the characteristics of expressway itself. Secondly, Based on the relevant research theory of expressway traffic safety at home and abroad, by analyzing the influencing factors of expressway traffic safety and combining with the actual situation of the highway in North Fujian, the objective risk factors of traffic safety of the expressway in North Fujian are further clarified. By using SPSS and Excel, the traffic accident data of North Fujian Expressway from 2009 to 2014 are statistically analyzed, and the general characteristics of traffic accident distribution in North Fujian Expressway are obtained. Objective to determine the impact of traffic safety risk factors on traffic accidents and their consequences. Thirdly, the combination of expert consultation and AHP to achieve subjective empowerment, subjective weight combined with objective weight, According to the actual accident data analysis the influence result obtained by objective judgment carries on the revision, uses the YA-AHP software, synthetically realizes to the Fujian north highway traffic safety risk factor measurement, obtains the risk factor weight, and through the BP neural network, The 1trainlm learning function is chosen as the training function, and the collected accident data information is quantified as the training sample to realize the probability prediction of the traffic safety risk of the North Fujian Expressway. Using risk matrix evaluation and comprehensive risk value method to realize risk evaluation, and with the help of ArcGIS geographic information software, taking a section of Nanping Pujian Expressway as an example, Through the research of the paper, the paper systematically analyzes the traffic safety risk situation of the highway in the north of Fujian Province, which is of great significance to change the current passive post-emergency treatment. At the same time, by analyzing the relationship between the cause of the accident and the consequence of the accident, the traffic safety situation of the existing expressway in the north of Fujian is improved, which is convenient for the expressway managers to organize and manage the driving safety.
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