本文选题:交通工程 切入点:运输通道 出处:《中国公路学报》2017年02期
[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of optimizing transportation channels among urban groups scientifically, the traditional BPR function of Highway Administration of the United States is improved at first. By introducing the influence factor of traffic capacity and the method of distinguishing traffic flow type, The travel time reliability model of inter-group transportation channel is established. Secondly, a two-layer optimization model with the maximum reliability of transportation channel as the upper layer model and the user balance optimal as the lower level model is constructed, and the algorithm for solving the model is designed. Finally, the theoretical method is applied to the optimization of inter-group transportation channel in Nanjing. The results show that the reliability calculation method based on the improved BPR function is more suitable for the reliability calculation of high-grade and medium-long distance road sections. It can objectively reflect the characteristics that the capacity of inter-group transportation channels is susceptible to the influence of transit traffic flow. After adopting the two-layer optimization model, the overall reliability level of inter-group transportation channels in Nanjing has increased by about 11 percent, of which, The gap between the reliability of the original transportation channel and that of the central urban area and the surrounding sections of Jiangning District has been improved by about 15 percent, which effectively solves the problem of the low reliability of the central urban section. The comparison and analysis of the new scheme and the original plan show that, The reliability of the new scheme is about 6 times higher than that of the original scheme, and the flow of road sections is reduced by about 4 percent. The new scheme has a better effect on improving the reliability of roads. The original scheme is more conducive to the reduction of road flow. The proposed method effectively alleviates the problem of uneven distribution of road section reliability and low reliability of road sections in central urban areas. It can provide the theoretical basis for the optimal scheme decision of inter-group transportation channel.
【作者单位】: 南京航空航天大学民航学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51508274) 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK20140821)
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