本文选题:砂卵石地层 切入点:盾构施工 出处:《沈阳工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the half century since the first subway tunnel was built in our country, more than 40 cities in China have been built, and subway is being or is being built. The shield method is widely used in subway tunnel construction with the characteristics of high efficiency, good safety, strong adaptability and so on. However, it will still affect the surrounding soil mass, and be expressed as surface subsidence or uplift. Excessive surface subsidence or uplift will seriously affect the safety of shield tunneling, and subway crossing roads, viaducts, viaducts, It is necessary to predict the surface deformation caused by shield tunneling of subway tunnel because of the normal use of building structures such as residential buildings, in order to better predict the influence of shield machine crossing on sand and pebble strata. This paper reviews the prediction methods of ground surface deformation caused by shield tunneling in subway tunnel, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various forecasting methods, studies the formation deformation caused by synchronous grouting in shield tunneling, and assumes that the soil is undrained. On the basis of the research on the diffusion radius and pressure distribution of synchronous grouting in the shield tunnel in sand pebble formation, the three-dimensional deformation calculation formula of the stratum in the synchronous grouting stage of the subway tunnel is derived by using the Mindlin solution. On the basis of the calculation formula of 3D formation deformation caused by synchronous grouting, and considering the influence of formation loss and shield shell friction, the Sagaseta method is revised, and the prediction formula of sand pebble ground deformation caused by shield construction is obtained. In order to verify the correctness of the modified Sagaseta method, the modified Sagaseta method is used to predict the longitudinal and transverse settlement of the surface caused by shield tunneling in the sand and gravel strata, taking a certain section of Shenyang Metro as an example. Considering the distribution of simultaneous grouting pressure in sand and gravel strata, the 3D numerical simulation of shield tunneling process in this section is carried out by using MIDAS/GTS. The theoretical values of longitudinal and horizontal settlement are compared with the Sagaseta theory and numerical simulation values of engineering monitoring data, respectively. The results show that the theoretical values are in good agreement with the engineering monitoring values, and the theory is more suitable for sand and gravel formations than the Sagaseta method. Compared with the numerical simulation method, the modified Sagaseta method can better reflect the law of surface deformation, and the modified Sagaseta method has important reference significance for prediction of surface deformation caused by shield tunneling in sand and gravel strata.
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