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发布时间:2018-03-30 04:33

  本文选题:列车荷载 切入点:明挖隧道 出处:《隧道建设》2017年06期

【摘要】:为了研究既有铁路沿线附近明挖隧道施工过程中支护结构的动力稳定性,结合FLAC3D软件分别采用列车静载和动载模型研究车致振动对周围自由场以及隧道基坑开挖施工的影响。主要结论如下:1)采用列车静载模型所得结果小于动载模型的结果;2)车致振动以竖向分量为主,振动幅度沿水平向衰减很快,在距既有线6 m范围内衰减剧烈,之后趋于稳定;3)沿竖向衰减较慢,在20 m深度范围内,沉降量基本与深度呈二次曲线关系,之后趋于稳定;4)在既有线列车荷载作用下,不同施工阶段基坑底部总体有反拱趋势,为5~8 mm;5)采用锚索支护体系可以明显减小基坑侧壁的内倾变形。研究表明,既有线的列车荷载作用在水平方向上对于拟开挖隧道无明显振动影响,在竖向上当采用围护桩和锚索支护体系后可确保明挖隧道施工过程的整体稳定性。
[Abstract]:In order to study the dynamic stability of the support structure in the construction process of the open excavation tunnel near the existing railway, Combined with FLAC3D software, the effects of vehicle induced vibration on free field and excavation of tunnel foundation pit are studied by using train static load model and dynamic load model respectively. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) the result of using train static load model is smaller than that of dynamic load model. Results (2) the vibration caused by the vehicle is mainly composed of vertical components. The amplitude of vibration attenuates rapidly along the horizontal direction and attenuates violently in the range of 6 m from the existing railway line, then tends to stabilize in the vertical direction. The attenuation along the vertical direction is slower. In the range of 20 m depth, the settlement is basically conic with the depth. Then it tends to stabilize.) under the load of existing railway train, the bottom of foundation pit has the trend of reverse arch in different construction stages, which is 5mm / 5) the slope deformation of side wall of foundation pit can be obviously reduced by using anchor cable support system. The results show that the slope deformation of the side wall of the foundation pit can be significantly reduced by using the anchor cable support system. The train load of the existing railway has no obvious effect on the vibration of the excavated tunnel in the horizontal direction. The overall stability of the open-excavation tunnel can be ensured after adopting the retaining pile and the bolting support system in the vertical direction.
【作者单位】: 石家庄铁道大学土木工程学院;
【基金】:河北省大型基础设施防灾减灾协同创新中心项目 河北省重点学科建设项目(桥梁与隧道工程)


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