本文选题:公共交通 切入点:多模式 出处:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of city urbanization and motorization, city traffic demand is growing rapidly, many city facing the traffic congestion problem to alleviate public transportation. As an important part of city traffic system, sustainable development is of great significance to maintain the city social economy and traffic in the city. Public transport has been considered is one of the main means to alleviate the city traffic problems. The construction and operation of public transportation can not only improve city traffic mobility and accessibility, also can affect the mode of land use type city. In order to ensure effective utilization of public transport investment, public transport investment decisions should be based on the system of performance evaluation of different bus mode so. The assessment, which can be used as a transit planning decision support model of transit network efficiency and scientific and reasonable. To put into operation by the transit network evaluation. Combining with the national policy requirements of the priority development of public transport and multi-modal transit network planning and construction status, evaluation method based on the overall efficiency of multi-modal transit network, first established the evaluation index system of multi-modal transit network efficiency. Then based on the index and evaluation method on the evaluation, establishes a framework for multi-modal transit network evaluation, finally with the help of VISUM macro traffic simulation software in Yingtan city planning multi-modal transit network as an example, from the bus lines, bus mode and bus network launched three levels of effectiveness evaluation. The paper launched a bus route on multi-modal transit network, three a level of effectiveness evaluation model and bus transit network. The first will be divided into three types of evaluation index to reflect the multi-modal transit network performance: the cost of delivery The type, service output and external influence, macro simulation model and then through the VISUM software to establish multi model transit network to obtain the evaluation data of multi mode bus network bus line finally applied economics principle and multi attribute decision making theory, public transport mode and public transportation network of effectiveness evaluation in the evaluation of bus lines. The level of analysis, the overall technical efficiency of specific bus lines using data envelopment, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency are analyzed; in the evaluation of public transport mode level, put forward three to reflect the performance status of various bus mode indicators, combined with the economics principle of each bus cost input mode service, output and external influence are analyzed and efficiency; finally, in the evaluation of bus network level performance, application of multimode solutions approximate the ideal ranking method The overall performance of transit network was evaluated. In a word, through the connotation of the multi-modal transit network system, research on the evaluation index and evaluation method, the internal mechanism to fully recognize the multi-modal transit network system for public transportation, and improve the quality of service of the high investment decision of public transportation system to provide basic support for science.
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