本文选题:柱式墩 切入点:计算长度系数 出处:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the change of highway construction mode in our country, there are more and more BT or PPP projects, and cost control has become the focus of highway construction.Especially for mountain highway, the prefabricated bridge becomes the first choice to shorten the time limit and save investment, then the column pier will be applied.The calculation length coefficient, reasonable size and reinforcement of the column piers with conventional span are the key problems in the high speed design of mountainous area at present.In this paper, based on the prefabricated bridge of a mountain highway, the calculation length coefficient, the reasonable size of section and the reinforcement of 25m~40m high pier are studied by energy method and finite element method.The main research results are as follows: by using the energy method, the formula for calculating the critical force of the first order instability of the column pier is derived, and the calculated length coefficient can be obtained by the conversion of the Euler formula.The boundary conditions include bare piers and cylindrical piers with elastic constraints at both ends. Compared with the calculated length under the ideal boundary constraint conditions in Code 04, the formulas obtained in this paper can meet the engineering requirements.The calculated length coefficients of 25m~40m high piers under given geological conditions are systematically analyzed by using finite element program. Through a large number of calculations, the stage of bare pier and the connecting stage of cover beam are given respectively.The results of calculation under four working conditions in the stage of construction beam erection and the stage of bridge completion.From the distribution law, we can know that in analyzing the calculated length of the pier, we can not consider the modification of the section stiffness of the steel bar, the calculated length of each pier is the largest in the construction state, the second is the unconsolidated state of the pier beam, and the least is the consolidation state of the pier beam.This indicates that the boundary condition has a great influence on the high pier.Considering the influence of calculating the length coefficient on the design, it is suggested that the larger values in Table 4-4-7 be taken into account in practical application.The stress, crack width and strength of steel bar in the construction stage of 25m~40m high pier and the state of bridge are analyzed by using finite element program under high speed and special geological conditions in a mountain area.Under the given geological conditions, the strength and crack checking of each pier in the state of the bridge can meet the requirements of the code, and there is a certain safety reserve.The construction stage is the control stage, two construction conditions are considered for analysis.According to the calculated results, the suggested value is: 25 m high pier, 1.8 m diameter, 42 蠁 2835 m high pier, 2.0 m diameter, 42 蠁 32 ~ 40 m high pier, 2.2 m diameter and 52 蠁 32 m high pier.The results of this paper can be used as a reference for the design of bridge column pier in mountainous area.
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