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发布时间:2018-04-04 02:44

  本文选题:行人过街速度 切入点:临界间隙 出处:《重庆交通大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In no cross-street section, pedestrians mainly use the larger gap in the traffic crossing.In this paper, the characteristics of pedestrian crossing, critical clearance and flow threshold are studied from the point of view of pedestrian crossing using vehicular clearance, so as to provide a reference for setting up pedestrian crossing facilities in urban sections.This paper focuses on two-lane section as the research object.Firstly, taking pedestrian crossing with vehicular clearance as an example, this paper defines the threshold of pedestrian crossing critical clearance and pedestrian flow, and analyzes pedestrian crossing characteristics from micro and macro aspects.At the same time, the common pedestrian crossing facilities at home and abroad are summarized.Then the data of pedestrian crossing speed, pedestrian acceptance gap and rejection gap, pedestrian traffic flow, road traffic flow, signal cycle, etc., were investigated on the spot.Based on the analysis of pedestrian speed data and pedestrian walking speed data, it is found that pedestrian crossing speed is faster than pedestrian walking speed.According to the pedestrian crossing space demand, the pedestrian dynamic space demand model is established, and the pedestrian traversing time interval is solved.Secondly, the characteristics of traffic flow distribution, the principle of gap acceptance and the model of gap acceptance are introduced. According to the characteristics of traffic flow distribution and pedestrian crossing, the uniform distribution model and random distribution model of pedestrian crossing critical gap are established, and the investigation data are substituted.The critical clearance of pedestrian crossing is calculated, and the critical clearance of pedestrian crossing is determined by comparative analysis.On this basis, the threshold model of traffic flow is established. From the ordinary road section to the urban intersection section, the headway distance negative exponential distribution and the shift negative index distribution / M3 distribution are established respectively.Thus, the threshold model of traffic flow is established for "ideal signalized intersection" and "common signalized intersection" for crossing the street.At last, the threshold value of the two-lane section and the signalized intersection control section are calculated by using the established threshold model. The comparison and analysis show that the threshold model established in this paper is reasonable.In order to prove the practicability of the model, the human-vehicle delay model in the conflict zone is established by using the conflict area conflict relationship. The pedestrian crossing is simulated by VISSIM, the simulation data are analyzed, and the threshold of pedestrian crossing delay is determined.The delay threshold and the pedestrian flow threshold are verified, which shows the practicability of the threshold model established in this paper.The significance of the study is that whether or not to set up pedestrian crossing facilities or what kind of pedestrian crossing facilities can not be based on the heavy traffic or the high pedestrian flow.The relationship between traffic flow and pedestrian flow should be defined, and the pedestrian flow should be determined under the condition of given traffic flow, so as to determine whether pedestrian crossing facilities should be set up.The threshold model of pedestrian flow established in this paper mainly explains the relationship between traffic flow and traffic flow, and then determines the threshold of traffic flow, and determines whether pedestrian crossing facilities should be set up.


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