本文选题:GIS + RS ; 参考:《天津师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's economy and society, the urban population is expanding rapidly, and the traffic congestion problem is becoming more and more serious. In view of the "sparse and wide" road network pattern in most cities of our country, the government of our country puts forward the suggestion that the closed district should be opened gradually instead of building the closed district. It has become a hot topic to study whether the open closed community is helpful to alleviate the traffic congestion and how to open the closed area. The combination of GIS-RS and reachability evaluation provides a new direction for this research. Based on this idea, this paper discusses and analyzes the influence of the opening of closed residential areas on road traffic. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1) through the analysis of the current situation and characteristics of closed residential areas in China, it is proposed that different land properties of closed residential areas be put forward. Geometric form and integrality as the judgment standard of whether the closed area is open or not. In view of the lack of information such as road, building area and the property of the ground, the GIS and RS technology are combined to solve the problem of the lack of information, such as the road, the building area and the property of the ground. This paper studies how to obtain road data by high-resolution image vectorization, and how to obtain building floor height by using high-resolution image shadow calculation and street view map. The method of using GIS technology to calculate the building area index is based on the regional traffic environment factor, the road network accessibility factor and the service facility accessibility factor on the basis of obtaining the data. The comprehensive evaluation factor of the open area is determined, and the comprehensive evaluation method of the open area is put forward. Based on the established evaluation method, the evaluation and analysis of the closed district in the experimental area are made. The factors of regional traffic environment, road network accessibility, service facilities accessibility and comprehensive evaluation have been improved to some extent after the opening of closed residential areas. In particular, the closed area with large and small entrance and exit closed area open effect is more obvious. Through evaluation, it can be seen that the opening of closed area will significantly improve the traffic efficiency in the area and effectively alleviate the road congestion problem.
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