本文选题:连云港 + 软土地基 ; 参考:《东南大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Post-construction settlement is one of the indexes to measure the treatment effect of soft soil foundation. Excessive post-construction settlement will seriously affect the engineering quality and driving performance of the road. The soft soil foundation treatment plan is various, each plan's application situation and the treatment effect are different. At present, the choice of soft soil foundation treatment scheme is still mainly based on experience, sometimes there is a phenomenon that the settlement of soft foundation after construction is too large, which affects the performance of road use. In order to effectively control the settlement after construction and ensure the treatment effect of soft soil foundation, it is necessary to study the settlement and treatment scheme of soft soil foundation. The soft soil is widely distributed in Lianyungang area. This paper analyzes the basic characteristics and main treatment methods of soft soil in Lianyungang, forecasts and analyzes the settlement after construction combined with the settlement observation data of Lianyunhai high-speed Lianyungang section, and studies the influencing factors of post-construction settlement by using Plaxis finite element software. The selection model of treatment scheme based on the settlement of soft soil foundation is put forward. First, the paper analyzes the basic characteristics and main treatment methods of Lianyungang soft soil. This paper summarizes the basic engineering characteristics of Lianyungang soft soil, such as its origin and distribution, basic physical and mechanical properties, shear strength, consolidation deformation and creep, etc. The application ratio of main soft soil foundation treatment methods in Lianyungang such as cement mixing pile and rigid pile are compared and analyzed. The characteristics, applicability, treatment effect and economy of different methods are compared and analyzed. Secondly, combined with the observation data of Lianyan high-speed Lianyungang section, the post-construction settlement is predicted and analyzed. This paper compares the accuracy and applicability of several commonly used curve models to predict the settlement of deep treatment sections, proves the superiority of hyperbolic model, and uses the piecewise hyperbolic model to predict the settlement of shallow sections with step shape curves. Based on the prediction and analysis of post-construction settlement of a large number of sections, the characteristics of post-construction settlement of deep and shallow sections are discussed. Thirdly, Plaxis finite element software is used to analyze the factors influencing the settlement of soft soil foundation after construction. In this paper, the typical section model of deep treatment is established, the influence of pile length, pile spacing and pile modulus on the settlement of composite foundation is analyzed, the typical section model of shallow treatment is established, the thickness of soft soil layer is analyzed, the height of embankment and the thickness of hard shell layer are designed. The influence of preloading height and preloading time on post-construction settlement is analyzed by orthogonal design, and the calculation formula of post-construction settlement in shallow section is regressed. Finally, the selection model of soft soil foundation treatment scheme based on post-construction settlement is established. This paper analyzes the deficiency of the existing selection model, takes the post-construction settlement as the main factor affecting the scheme selection, analyzes the levels of the influencing factors of the scheme selection, analyzes the weight of each index and the determination method of the evaluation grade, and combines with the high speed of connecting salt. Two typical sections of high grade highway near the sea verify the applicability of the selection model of soft soil foundation treatment scheme based on post-construction settlement.
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