本文选题:前景检测 + 光流检测 ; 参考:《电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Vehicle detection and tracking under traffic environment are two important parts of intelligent transportation system. They are the key to realize the intelligent traffic system. The quality of the whole intelligent traffic system is determined by the quality of the vehicle detection and tracking. The traditional vehicle detection generally exists the lack of fast detection speed and the inaccuracy of the detection results. It is difficult to balance the real time and accuracy of vehicle tracking. In view of the above problems, this paper optimizes and adjusts the vehicle detection and tracking under the traffic environment, and finally obtains a good detection and tracking system with robust detection results and strong robustness, and can be used in real time in real time. This paper mainly optimizes the vehicle detection and tracking system.1 under the traffic environment from the following aspects. In this paper, the AdaBoost classifier based on the Haar feature is used in the vehicle detection, and the specific Haar features are selected for training in the training of the classifier. In this paper, we first model the motion target of the image sequence in the video, extract the movement block, and detect only the area where the movement is located, and then detect the moving vehicle. Secondly, this paper divides the vehicles in the video into eight directions, and then trains each direction to get eight directions. In the selection of classifier, the corresponding classifier.2 is selected according to the direction of the optical flow of the movement mass. In this paper, the particle filter tracking based on detection is adopted in the vehicle tracking, and the following aspects are used to improve the problems in the particle filter tracking. First, the linear simulation in mathematics is adopted. In order to deal with the problem of target occlusion, then the detection results are used to deal with the inaccuracy of tracking target tracking. Finally, multithreading is used to improve the tracking speed of the whole tracking system. For the whole vehicle detection and tracking system, a vehicle detection and tracking system is formed in this paper from theoretical analysis to practice. The performance of each module of the whole system is tested through experiments, and has made its own contribution to the whole intelligent transportation system.
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