本文选题:道路交叉口 + 路段 ; 参考:《北京工业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic construction and the continuous improvement of urbanization in recent years, it is difficult to meet the current traffic demand according to the road conditions set up in the early planning. The morning and evening rush hour congestion in some parts of Beijing is very serious, especially the key nodes of key junctions and sections are more prominent, so it is particularly important for urban congested junctions and sections of joint engineering reconstruction and optimization organization. Traffic congestion is a systemic problem formed by intersection, section and regional road network. The traffic pressure can be alleviated by optimizing the joint engineering of congested junctions and sections. At the same time, take into account the long-term, through the transformation of basic points, lines to improve the surface, in order to alleviate the purpose of regional congestion. Based on the characteristics of road network and traffic demand, the paper analyzes the causes of congested nodes and road sections through the combination of project data collection and field investigation. Reasonable design of plugging scheme. Aiming at the design of intersections and road sections, this paper summarizes the traffic capacity of intersections, the conflict of intersections scope, the traffic organization of intersections, the timing of intersections, the utilization of space under bridges, the setting of bus stops, the facilities of crossing streets and traffic matching settings, and so on. At the same time, combining with the traffic theory, the paper puts forward the principles and measures for the reconstruction of congested junctions and road sections: optimizing the traffic organization at intersections to ensure the smooth flow of intersections; Improving traffic organization at road intersection-reducing traffic conflicts; constructing and rebuilding public transport harbors and platforms-advocating public transport priority; perfecting pedestrian crossing and pedestrian, non-motor vehicle slow moving system-giving priority to public transport; It is necessary to improve the supporting facilities of traffic engineering-to improve road efficiency, to make full use of existing road resources and to make full use of existing road resources. And take the south reconstruction project of Liuliqiao as a typical case of traffic diversion and reconstruction project, from the aspects of improving traffic capacity, improving conflict, building public transport harbor, perfecting traffic supporting facilities, etc. This paper systematically introduces the reconstruction method of traffic diversion reconstruction project, and analyzes the traffic operation characteristics by using traffic simulation software, which can provide practical reconstruction experience and reference for similar projects in the future.
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