本文选题:混凝土桥梁 + 桥梁耐久性 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The durability design, durability construction and later detection and maintenance of highway concrete bridges are the three main aspects to improve the durability of bridges. As an important stage of the bridge life cycle, the construction stage is affected by complex construction environment, economic environment, social environment and human factors, and becomes the key link to ensure the durability of the bridge. Establishing the concept of durability construction, strictly according to the requirements of durability standardization construction, to ensure the quality of construction, can play a multiplier effect with half the effort. In this paper, the durability of the bridge is taken as the main line, and the bridge construction in Puyang section of the German and Shang Expressway and Nanlin Expressway is taken as the basis, which combines the durability of the bridge with the construction of the bridge. A systematic study on the standardized construction technology of concrete bridges based on durability is carried out. The main research contents are as follows: (1) according to the actual investigation results of the project, the causes of durability damage and common diseases of bridge engineering are analyzed. Based on the construction angle, the factors affecting the durability of the bridge are analyzed systematically. 2) according to the mechanism of the damage caused by each factor, This paper analyzes the common durability diseases of concrete bridges: analyzes the causes of cracks and steel corrosion from the point of view of construction technology and management, and puts forward some measures to control the cracks and reinforcement corrosion; This paper systematically analyzes the types and causes of bridge deck pavement and expansion joint diseases, and puts forward some pertinent suggestions from the aspects of construction and maintenance management. The grey neural network control method is adopted. By predicting the strength and durability of concrete, selecting the optimum proportion of concrete, and predicting the erection height of cantilever construction box girder to control the construction of concrete bridge, the standard construction of concrete bridge is achieved. The most direct and important technical measures to improve bridge durability. The construction process of bridges is extremely complex, and it is of great significance to standardize various construction behaviors (including management behaviors). This paper discusses in detail the construction process and construction technology of bridge foundation construction, bridge substructure construction, bridge superstructure construction, and organically combines the bridge standardized construction with the bridge durability requirements. The application research in bridge construction based on engineering has obtained remarkable effect and provided important technical guarantee for the construction of concrete durable bridge.
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