本文选题:VSP + 多目标交通信号控制 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Effective traffic signal control makes urban road traffic smooth and orderly, so it has always been a hot research problem for scholars. However, previous studies have focused on reducing traffic congestion and ignoring the impact of traffic operation on the environment. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, traffic signal control scheme which can take environmental factors into account is urgently needed. For this purpose, this paper emerges as the times require. First of all, the vehicle trajectory is described, which is divided into uniform driving process, deceleration process, idle driving process and acceleration process, and the vehicle trajectory is described in the case of idle and no idle speed. Then the relationship between delay and emission is analyzed and fitted by regression analysis, and the functional relationship obtained by regression fitting is given. Considering that the right turn vehicle of intersection is not controlled by intersection signal and has the characteristic of decelerating whether or not there is a headstock speed in front of the vehicle, the above formula is adjusted and a general calculation formula of bicycle emissions is obtained. A probability distribution function based on red light time is obtained through the relationship between vehicle arrival flow and signal control parameters at intersections. When the timing scheme is given, the discharge value of each traffic flow at the intersection can be estimated, and finally the emission of the whole intersection can be obtained. Then, on the premise of comparing the current mainstream delay calculation methods, the delay calculation method in HCM is selected to calculate the total delay of intersection. The multi-objective optimal control model of traffic signal is established by considering the constraint conditions such as saturation and the comprehensive benefit index of intersection. In this paper, genetic ant colony fusion algorithm is used to solve the model, and Matlab programming method is used to program the algorithm. Finally, this paper selects the intersection of people's Street and Free Road in Changchun for a case study to investigate the geometric information, the traffic flow and the signal timing of the intersection. Two benefit measures are constructed to evaluate the overall operational benefits of intersections, and the models are solved under different proportions of delay and emissions, and from different periods and long periods. The air quality benefits of vehicle emission reduction by timing optimization are analyzed. Through the simulation of VISSIM software, compared with the delay and emission value before and after optimization, it is proved that the signal control method in this paper can effectively improve the operational and environmental benefits of intersection.
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