本文选题:港口 + 航道 ; 参考:《集美大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Port system is a complex system, in which channel is an important part of port system and one of the basic elements of port waterway transportation. The main characteristics of the main waterway of Guangzhou Port are narrow waterway, insufficient natural water depth, many turning points, high traffic density, and many intersection points between the boat channel and the big ship channel. Based on the characteristics of the main waterway of Guangzhou Port, it is difficult to complete the upgrading of the waterway in a short time because of the large investment in the upgrading of the waterway, the long construction period and the difficulty in completing the upgrading of the waterway in a short period of time. Restrict the development of the port; if the port development prospects blind optimism, positioning errors, one-time investment too large, easy to cause property and resource waste. Therefore, the scientific optimization of the main waterway of Guangzhou Port is of great significance. Due to the development of the port and the large scale of the ships arriving at the port, the capacity of the main waterway of Guangzhou Port has been mismatched with the demand of the port development. On the one hand, with the increase of port throughput, the number of ships arriving at the port is increasing, and the traffic pressure on the waterway is also increasing. Before and after the tidal climax of the port, a large number of large ships line up to enter the port, because the main waterway of Guangzhou Port is narrow and narrow. There are many factors affecting the speed of navigation, and the phenomenon of waterway blockage often occurs. On the other hand, with the arrival of large ships, the waterway level can not meet the requirements of a certain tonnage above the two-way passage of ships, when the class of ships entering and leaving the port, can only implement traffic control, let large ships one-way traffic; This seriously affected the efficiency of the use of waterways and further restricted the development of the port. On the premise of not upgrading the waterway level, the problem that the passage capacity can not meet the port development needs will become more and more obvious. This paper analyzes the cargo throughput and vessel type of Guangzhou Port, and calculates quantitatively the capacity of cargo passing through the waterway and the capacity of the ship passing through the waterway. This paper analyzes the matching between the grade of Guangzhou main channel and port development demand. Through the development of the hinterland economy, the cargo throughput of the port in the hinterland of the main channel of Guangzhou Port in the future is calculated and forecasted, and the corresponding waterway level is calculated quantitatively. Based on the analysis of large ships arriving in port, the channel levels which meet the navigation requirements of large ships arriving at port are calculated. By comparing the waterway grade which satisfies the cargo throughput of the surrounding port with the channel level which meets the navigation requirements of large ships to port, the waterway grade matching with the port development demand is obtained, and the optimized scheme for waterway construction is put forward. Finally, by using the concept of waterway service level, the feasibility of the optimization scheme is verified. At the same time, according to the actual situation of Guangzhou Port, the paper puts forward the corresponding optimization measures to improve the passage capacity of waterway from two aspects: the capacity of goods passing through the waterway and the capacity of passing through the ship. The research work and data of this paper are based on the actual situation of the port, and the research results have certain guiding significance for the channel optimization of the port.
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