本文选题:非饱和黄土 + 饱和-非饱和渗流分析 ; 参考:《兰州交通大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In the arid area, the loess is usually unsaturated soil. Under rainfall conditions, the infiltration of rainwater often leads to the instability of the slope. The reason is that under the conditions of rainfall, the soil water content in the surface of the loess slope increases and the matrix suction gradually dissipates, which causes the decrease of the shear strength of unsaturated loess, thus triggering the landslide. The main factor of landslides, the analysis of slope stability under rainfall has already become an important subject of rock and soil. It is of great significance to study the dynamic changes of slope water field and stability with time and space in the process of rainfall. The paper is based on the theory of saturated unsaturated seepage, and studies the conditions of rainfall. The influence of different rainfall intensity, rainfall duration, slope height, slope and loess joint on the soil water content and pore water pressure on the surface of the slope is analyzed. Then based on the transient seepage analysis results, the dynamic change process of slope stability is analyzed with the limit equilibrium method. The slope is designed by anchor anti slide pile and the stability of the reinforced slope is calculated. The specific research work is as follows: (1) the basic theory of saturated unsaturated seepage is summarized. Based on Darcy's law and the law of conservation of energy, the differential equation of saturated unsaturated seepage and the definite solution of differential equation are summed up. The basis of the subsequent finite element numerical calculation. (2) considering the conditions of rainfall, the transient seepage calculation of unsaturated loess is carried out. The variation rules of different rainfall intensity, rainfall duration, slope height, slope and loess joints under the existence of soil water are obtained, that is, the volume water content of unsaturated loess with different rainfall conditions The effect of pore water pressure. It is obtained from the calculation results: under the condition of rainfall, the main performance of the surface soil of the slope is the increase of the soil water content, the transient saturation area and the matrix suction (negative pore water pressure) decrease because of the rainfall infiltration. In addition, although the whole change law of the whole soil surface is the increase of water content, the substrate is absorbed. The change rate and amplitude of soil water content and matrix suction vary with the soil position. The greater the rate and amplitude of soil water content and pore water pressure change near the foot of the slope, the change speed and amplitude of soil water content and pore water pressure at the top of the slope is small. In the saturated area, with the increase of rainfall time, the area extends along the slope, and eventually the whole slope of the slope is saturated. In the process of rainfall, when the Loess joints are considered, the infiltration rate and depth of the rainwater increase obviously, and the saturated area of the slope surface soil appears early. (3) the calculation results based on saturated unsaturated seepage are divided. The dynamic change of the stability safety factor of the Loess deep cutting slope is analyzed. The result of seepage calculation and the theory of unsaturated soil shear strength are combined to calculate the stability safety factor of the slope under the different rainfall intensity and rainfall duration by the limit equilibrium method. The stability safety factor of slope stability is different, and the stability safety coefficient decreases with the increase of time. When the same rainfall is held, the rain is strong and the coefficient is smaller. When the slope height increases, the maximum water content of the soil surface is approximately the same, but the infiltration depth of the rain is increased with the increase of the slope, so the rain shadow is reduced. The soil area is increased, the soil area of the shear strength decreases and the slope stability safety factor decreases. When the slope increases, the slope stability safety factor is small. When the joints exist, the slope stability safety coefficient decreases gradually during the rainfall process, which is due to the initial rainfall. The rate of soil moisture content in the surface of the slope is faster, the soil moisture content increases slowly in the later period of rainfall, and the soil water content of the slope is saturated after 3D rainfall, and the soil moisture content of the slope is not so obvious as that in the same slope, so the increase rate of the slope stability safety coefficient does not change obviously. After the rainfall, the rainfall is 3D. The slope soil soil is not saturated. (4) the comparison and selection of the anchor anti slide pile for the slope and the stability safety factor of the slope after the support are calculated. The results show that the stability safety factor of the slope is maximum when the bolt is arranged in the angle of 15 degrees with the horizontal plane, and the slope surface can improve the slope better. The stability of the slope is also stable, although the stability safety factor of the slope will decrease with the rainfall, but the stability safety factor of the slope is still large after the rainfall of 3D, so it can guarantee the high stability of the slope.
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