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发布时间:2018-06-20 00:09

  本文选题:隧道 + 软弱围岩 ; 参考:《辽宁工程技术大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:The existence of weak rock mass brings a series of thorny problems to the design of large section tunnel support structure and the calculation of surrounding rock stability. Because of the existence of joints and fissures in weak rock mass, its mechanical behavior is affected by rock strength, structural plane condition and stress state, etc. The jointed hard rock will still exhibit large deformation and strain softening characteristics under the action of high stress. The expansion of rock mass is prominent and the deformation of rock mass is discontinuous. Therefore, the strength characteristics and post-peak mechanical behavior of weak rock mass are worthy of further study and discussion. Aiming at the above problems, starting from the mechanism of deformation and failure of soft surrounding rock in tunnel, this paper discusses the strength characteristics of soft surrounding rock and determines the structural characteristics of surrounding rock through the combination of indoor triaxial test of rock and advance geological exploration technology. The strain softening behavior and strength damage evolution law of soft surrounding rock in deep buried tunnel during unloading are analyzed, and the stress field and displacement field distribution law of surrounding rock under secondary stress are studied. The safety factor of surrounding rock and supporting structure is determined by convergence-constraint method, and the optimum design of supporting structure and tunnel excavation method is carried out. The safety and stability of the optimized structure are verified by field monitoring and numerical calculation. The concrete conclusions are as follows: (1) based on the quantitative GSI surrounding rock rating system, the strength parameters of the peak and post-peak residual state of the soft surrounding rock in tunnel are determined, combined with the Hoek-Brown criterion and the strain softening theory of rock mass continuum. The relationship between post-peak softening modulus and confining pressure is determined through laboratory triaxial tests of rock, and a complete post-peak strain softening model is constructed, combined with advanced geological prediction method. To determine the mechanical parameters of soft surrounding rock of deep buried tunnel, to guide the optimization of excavation scheme and the design of supporting structure. (3) through numerical calculation and field monitoring data, we can know that the convergence-constraint method is suitable for the design of surrounding rock supporting structure of large section weak tunnel. The 3D numerical model of tunnel is constructed by FLAC3D finite difference software, and the interaction relationship between surrounding rock and supporting structure of different excavation methods is obtained, and the safety factor of surrounding rock of each excavation scheme is put forward. The existing support schemes and excavation methods are optimized, and the reliability of the optimization design is verified by field monitoring data. A GA-BP neuronal algorithm coupled with the BP neural network algorithm is proposed, which is coupled with the evolutionary neuron algorithm (ENA) and the BP neural network algorithm (BP neural network algorithm). The method is applied to the prediction of large deformation of surrounding rock in the construction of Pu Zishan Tunnel. The multi-step rolling prediction of the monitoring data of surrounding rock deformation of the tunnel is carried out. The comparison between the measured data and the prediction results shows that the algorithm has a very high prediction accuracy. It can be used for reference for similar projects.


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