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发布时间:2018-06-20 01:47

  本文选题:混凝土箱梁 + 温度梯度 ; 参考:《长安大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the problems caused by the bridge thermal stress in the design and construction of the bridge, scholars and researchers at home and abroad began to do in-depth research on the temperature stress. Many practical engineering and research results at home and abroad show that the temperature distribution of sunshine has a great influence on the temperature stress of concrete box girder, and the temperature stress calculated by different sunshine temperature gradient model is very different. At present, different countries and different regions have different views on the temperature gradient model of sunlight for concrete box girder bridges. For example, the US standard divides the United States into four climate zones. Each climate zone has its own temperature gradient model to guide design and construction. China has a vast territory and varied climates. However, the bridge code only adopts the temperature gradient model of the second region of the United States, and defines a set of temperature gradient models, and there is still much room for improvement in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to explore and study the sunshine temperature distribution law and temperature gradient model of prestressed concrete bridges suitable for different areas in China through experimental research and theoretical analysis, in order to guide the design and construction of the project. In this paper, the temperature gradient model in Ordos region is explored and studied. Based on the construction monitoring work of a continuous rigid frame bridge in Ordos region, Inner Mongolia, At the same time, based on the existing research results of temperature field distribution and temperature gradient of concrete at home and abroad, the sunshine temperature distribution and temperature gradient model of concrete box girder are deeply understood. The present situation and some problems in the study of sunshine temperature distribution and temperature gradient of concrete box girder are made clear, so as to determine the location of the spot temperature measurement points, and the temperature distribution of the box girder section under the action of sunlight is measured. The temperature distribution of box girder section is summarized, and the temperature field at the most unfavorable time of day is obtained, which is the basis of fitting the most unfavorable temperature gradient model of box girder. Based on the experimental analysis of the temperature of the real bridge, the temperature field of the box girder is continuously observed and recorded by the embedded temperature sensor in the section of the box girder, and the data of the temperature field of the box girder are obtained. Based on the analysis of the measured temperature data at different positions of the box girder section, a series of parameters such as the local meteorological conditions, the thermal properties of the concrete materials, the shape of the box girder section, etc. The temperature field of box girder section under the condition of local solar radiation intensity is calculated by means of heat conduction and finite element program, and the distribution of sunshine temperature field of box girder is obtained and compared with the field measured value. The correctness of the finite element program for the temperature distribution analysis of the box girder is verified. Through the combination of theoretical data and measured data, the temperature distribution of sunshine temperature field of box girder can be more clearly defined. Under the condition of measured temperature field and calculated temperature field, according to the temperature gradient model stipulated in different national bridge codes, combined with the influence factors of sunshine temperature field of concrete box girder and the research conclusion of temperature effect of concrete box girder, Considering the different geographical latitude of the bridge, the intensity of solar radiation and the influence of atmospheric temperature, the vertical temperature gradient suitable for the local section of long-span concrete box girder is fitted through the actual situation. The temperature gradient model stipulated by Chinese code is actually a model of American code, but American code divides four different areas in the United States to guide bridge construction and construction. The climate in China is different from that in the United States, and only one temperature gradient model is used in the country, so there is still much room for improvement in the future. In this paper, the temperature gradient model in Ordos area is provided, and the fitting and analysis of the temperature gradient in this area are carried out by comparison.


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