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发布时间:2018-07-08 15:53

  本文选题:行人流 + 受限视野 ; 参考:《中国科学技术大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social economy, people's travel demand is rising rapidly. Walking is one of the most essential and essential ways. In recent decades, researchers in various fields have begun to invest in the study of pedestrian traffic so as to more accurately and accurately understand the characteristics of pedestrian behavior, thus improving pedestrians. Pedestrian traffic as a very complex nonlinear system, some of these phenomena are still not well explained and many problems can not be solved. Through the investigation and analysis, the pedestrian traffic flow theory is enriched and enriched by the combination of controlled experiment and simulation model. The main work of this paper is as follows: the pedestrian flow experiment of single exit channel is carried out to study the influence of pedestrian number on the evacuation dynamic process. The experimental results show that the relationship between the evacuation time and the number of pedestrians is multiplier. In addition, the evacuation time interval between continuous pedestrians remains stable before and after the whole experimental process, which means that the evacuation efficiency is not directly related to the remaining numbers in the room under non panic conditions. A circular passage pedestrian flow experiment is carried out to study the effect of vision limitation on one-way and two-way pedestrian flow. The experiment requires pedestrians in a normal field of vision. It is found that the flow of one-way pedestrian flow or two-way pedestrian flow is lower than that under normal visual field. In two-way pedestrian flow, pedestrians in different directions are separated rapidly into independent stability in a normal field of vision. In the first group of two-way pedestrian flow experiments under the environment limited environment, there is no self organizing phenomenon of the opposite direction, and the pedestrian movement has not evolved into a stable running state, and the local high density congestion appears and disappear. But in the follow-up experiment under the confinement environment, pedestrians in different directions will quickly form a queue. This is because pedestrians get the experience of avoiding collision by the right preference of pedestrians, thus speeding up the formation of the queue. It is found that the flow of the one-way pedestrian flow or the two-way pedestrian flow is lower than the conventional flow under the normal condition or the umbrella condition. In the conventional condition, the two-way pedestrian flow appears to be self-organized, and two lines are separated on the right side. Under the condition of umbrella, pedestrians in different directions will also form a queue, but the number of queues may be more than two, and the pedestrians do not show obvious left and right preference. It is necessary to improve the original social force model. In order to reproduce the dynamic process of evacuation, we propose an improved social force model. The model assumes that the pedestrian will not continue to sustain the driving force when the physical repulsion vector of a pedestrian is more than a certain critical value. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results. In order to reproduce the dynamic characteristics of the pedestrian flow in the restricted field of vision experiment, we propose an improved force model. The model adjusts the direction and size of the pedestrian driving force, adds the right preference mechanism, and considers that the pedestrian can not accurately judge the advance in the limited environment. After considering these factors, the simulation results are in agreement with the experimental results. In order to reproduce the experimental rules of the pedestrian flow in the umbrella line, we add the physical contact force between the umbrellas in the original social force model, and the simulation results are in agreement with the experimental results. The results of this paper are helpful to improve the establishment of the basic public facilities for pedestrian traffic. At the same time, optimize the guidance plan for large-scale activities and evacuation.


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