[Abstract]:In order to optimize the net distance of large section and small net distance tunnel, the large scale finite element software ANSYSis is used to simulate the construction process of large section tunnel under different net distance. The distribution of surrounding rock stress field and displacement field in tunnel construction process and the stress situation of supporting system under different net spacing are studied, and the influence of tunnel net distance on surrounding rock stress distribution, support system force and section convergence is obtained. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to analyze the objective degree of the influencing factors, to check the consistency and determine the weight. The results show that the stress and deformation of surrounding rock in the excavation process of large section and small net distance tunnel is a little symmetrical, the stress and deformation of surrounding rock are slightly larger than that of tunnel excavation at first, and the more the net distance is, the more obvious the symmetry phenomenon is. The smaller the stress and deformation of surrounding rock and the force of supporting system, the higher the stability of surrounding rock and supporting system. Considering the safety of supporting system and stability of surrounding rock, the optimum net distance of the tunnel with large section and small net distance is 1.6B (B is the net distance of excavation).
【作者单位】: 辽宁工程技术大学土木与交通学院;
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