[Abstract]:The finite element model of seamless turnout and bridge on the bridge of Weinan North Railway Station of Zhengxi passenger dedicated line is established by using Midas / CIVIL, and the interaction between seamless switch and bridge under the action of temperature field is studied. The results show that the longitudinal displacement of the rail in the single turnout and crossing turnout area is much larger than the transverse displacement under the action of temperature load. The maximum transverse displacement is about 1 ~ 2 mm, the maximum longitudinal displacement is about 20 ~ 30 mm, but they are all less than the allowable limit of rail displacement, and the maximum temperature longitudinal forces of rail in single turnout and crossing line seamless turnout are 1 303 and 1 340 kN, respectively, which occur in continuous beam joints. Within a distance of about 20m, Therefore, the monitoring and maintenance of rail in this area should be strengthened to prevent the phenomenon of rail expansion in summer and broken rail in winter, and it is suggested that the resistance of fastener should be reduced appropriately at the joint of beam, and the transverse displacement of beam body in the area of single switch and crossing turnout is very close and small. The maximum values are 2.7 and 2.8 mm respectively, but the longitudinal displacement of the beam body is different, the maximum values are 5.3 and 26.8mm respectively, and both occur at the end of the beam, and the temperature deformation of the rail in the jointless turnout area has little effect on the longitudinal and transverse displacement of the bridge. The uniform temperature rise of the beam is the main cause of the deformation of the beam, so the maintenance and repair of the bridge should not pay too much attention to the influence of the temperature force in the turnout area.
【作者单位】: 中国铁道科学研究院铁道科学技术研究发展中心;
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