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发布时间:2018-07-15 19:14
[Abstract]:Due to various performance defects of ordinary cement concrete pavement, its popularization and application are seriously restricted, so the research on modified cement mortar with various admixtures has become an important subject. Rubber cement concrete is one of the most common modified cement concrete materials. However, the addition of rubber powder has a certain influence on the strength and shrinkage of cement concrete and cement mortar. However, its anti-shrinkage performance is enhanced to a certain extent. In this paper, the modification mechanism and microstructure of rubber particles in cement matrix were studied by means of X-ray diffraction test and mercury injection test. The types of cement hydration products of rubber particle cement mortar, the effect of rubber particles on cement hydration reaction rate and the internal pore size distribution characteristics of rubber particle cement mortar were analyzed. The results show that the addition of rubber particles does not result in a new phase structure of cement hydration reaction, but rubber particles can slow down the hydration reaction rate of cement. At the same time, the addition of rubber particles leads to the increase of the porosity of cement mortar, the decrease of the proportion of tiny pores in the cement mortar and the increase of the proportion of large pores, and the increase of the overall pore size. At the same time, this paper tries to add a certain amount of polymer and coupling agent to the rubber aggregate modified mortar as admixture to study the change of compressive strength and flexural strength of rubber aggregate cement mortar after the addition of the two modifiers. The effect of two substances on the hydration reaction rate of cement was studied by XRD test. The results show that the compressive strength and flexural strength of polymer rubber cement mortar decrease obviously with the increase of polymer content, and the coupling agent plays an important role in improving the compressive strength and flexural strength of rubber cement mortar. Neither of them can make the hydration reaction of cement form a new phase structure, but it may affect the hydration rate of cement. The results of this paper also show that the addition of appropriate amount of polymer and coupling agent to the rubber cement mortar can not only improve the macroscopic mechanical properties, such as compressive strength and flexural strength, but also improve its dry shrinkage resistance to a certain extent. Reduce its early contraction.


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