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发布时间:2018-07-17 01:47
[Abstract]:SMA is a kind of asphalt mixture composed of bituminous matte filled with coarse aggregate skeleton voids with discontinuous gradation. It has good performance and is widely used in high grade asphalt pavement structure. Among the components of SMA, fibers that play a stabilizing role are particularly important. It is found that basalt fiber has good physical and chemical properties, green environmental protection, simple production process and high cost performance ratio. It can replace the commonly used wood fibers in SMA, and can overcome the poor water absorption and heat resistance of lignin fibers. Poor wear resistance and other shortcomings. On the basis of theoretical research and engineering examples, the research on SMA basalt fiber asphalt mortar and mixture is carried out in this paper. First of all, by testing the softening point, force ductility, elastic recovery and cone penetration of asphalt mortar of 3. 5% and 3. 5% and 6 mm / 9 mm in length, respectively. The effect of basalt fiber dispersion in asphalt slurry and the influence of fiber content and length on asphalt mortar are analyzed. The results show that basalt fiber can improve asphalt resistance to temperature change and shear resistance. However, the deformation recovery ability and ductility are decreased, so it is necessary to find suitable basalt fiber content and fiber length. Then, with the optimum design method of response surface test, taking the basalt fiber content 0.250.55, fiber length 3mm / 9mm, oil stone ratio 6.4g 6.8% as the influencing factors, taking the stability, flow value, void ratio, mineral interstitial ratio, The experimental design of three factors and three levels of asphalt saturation is carried out as a response index. The experimental results are summarized, and the functional relations between each response index and the three influencing factors are fitted out, and the variance analysis of the function is carried out. Then draw the response surface map of each index under the interaction of each two factors, synthesize the optimum value of each response index, carry on the optimization design to the influence factor. Finally, the optimum content of basalt fiber in asphalt mixture is 0.38, the optimum length of fiber is 6 mm, and the optimum ratio of oil to stone is 6.56, considering the expected value of Marshall index of asphalt mixture. Finally, the optimized design of basalt fiber SMA asphalt mixture and the lignin fiber SMA asphalt mixture used in the actual project were carried out rutting test, low temperature indirect tensile test, immersion Marshall test and freeze-thaw splitting test, respectively. The results show that basalt fiber asphalt mixture is superior to wood fiber asphalt mixture in high temperature stability, water stability and low temperature crack resistance. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) scanning analysis is carried out on the cracking part of asphalt specimen of basalt fiber, which provides a theoretical basis for the function of basalt fiber in asphalt mixture microscopically. Finally, combined with the market price of raw materials of asphalt mixture at present, The economic and social benefits of basalt fiber and wood fiber in SMA were compared and analyzed.


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