[Abstract]:Among all natural disasters, wind disaster is the most frequent and the most widespread impact, bridge structure, especially cable bearing bridge is always facing the threat of wind disaster. As a kind of cable-bearing bridge, cable-stayed bridge is more and more sensitive to wind load due to the increasing span and the high strength of materials. The cable-stayed bridge will face the test of wind-induced disaster at any time when it is under the action of wind load during operation. Wind disasters are generally divided into flutter, galloping, static wind instability, buffeting, cable wind vibration and so on. In order to grasp the wind-resistant performance of the structure at any time and to ensure that it is in a safe state, the wind-induced risk assessment of the bridge in operation period is needed. Based on all kinds of wind-induced responses, the wind-induced risk of Sutong Bridge is evaluated in this paper. The main contents are summarized as follows: (1) the static wind response, static wind instability, flutter and buffeting response of Sutong Bridge are analyzed, and the effects of different parameters on wind-induced response are discussed. The purpose of this paper is to prepare for the uncertainty analysis of wind-induced risk assessment and calculation of Sutong Bridge during operation period. (2) the concept and theoretical system of wind-induced aging risk are put forward. The wind-induced risk during operation period is divided into unstable failure, displacement overlimit and stress overlimit. By introducing the aging factor of material property degradation, it is found that the degradation of performance will have an impact on the final risk assessment results. (3) based on the wind-induced aging risk theory, the wind-induced risk assessment of Sutong Bridge is carried out according to the aging risk system. The results show that the risks of instability, displacement and stress are increased with the degradation of material properties.
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