[Abstract]:With the rapid development of automobile industry technology, the number of cars retained is increasing, and the frequency of traffic accidents is increasing rapidly. According to the statistics, the number of deaths from traffic accidents in the world is 3400 people every day, the number of injured or disabled people is tens of millions every year, and the direct economic loss is 500 billion dollars. The car itself is designed to cause more and more small proportion of traffic accidents, and the driver's personal factors have become the main cause of traffic accidents. Therefore, Intelligent Traffic System (Intelligent Transportation System) has emerged as the times require. It aims to integrate advanced information technology, data communication technology, sensor technology and computer technology. It is applied to the whole traffic system to strengthen the connection between people and vehicles in the traffic system, thus reducing the occurrence of traffic accidents. Compared with the passive safety defense technology, the intelligent transportation system can actively find dangerous sources of threat to road safety, and give warning to drivers to avoid traffic accidents. It is more in line with the future development needs, and it has important theoretical research significance and engineering application value to carry out its research. The key technologies for the realization of intelligent transportation system are wireless communication technology and intelligent perception technology, and the vehicle auto organization network (VANETs) and smart phone perception as the typical representatives of the two technologies have caused industrial circles. In this paper, based on the systematic analysis and summary of VANETs, this paper makes a thorough and detailed study of the data transmission in VANETs. In addition, this paper also analyzes the characteristics of the smart phone perception, deeply studies and explores its application price in the intelligent transportation system. A number of innovations and achievements have been made in this paper. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: 1. analysis of VANETs data transmission mode and the factors affecting network connectivity in urban environment, and propose a data transmission strategy TADS (Traffic-Aware data Delivery Scheme) for vehicle self-organizing network traffic perception (Traffic-Aware data Delivery Scheme). In the direct mode data transmission, an improved geographic greedy routing algorithm is proposed. For data transmission in the intersection mode, the road utility function is calculated by calculating the candidate road utility function, and then the path of the maximum utility function is chosen as the forwarding path. In TADS, the utility function is composed of three parts: road vehicle density and vehicle spatial distribution variance, respectively. And the distance between the candidate intersection and the destination Euler. The vehicle density and the variance of the vehicle spatial distribution determine the link connectivity. The distance between the candidate intersection and the destination Euler distance determines the transmission direction of the data. The greater the utility function of the road, the better the link connectivity is, the closer the candidate intersection is to the destination. In addition, in order to reduce the information collection. On the basis of the network overhead caused by the set, TADS gives a traffic flow prediction model based on the vehicle movement characteristics, which greatly reduces the information collection cycle. Through the experimental simulation, it is shown that TADS can accomplish high data transmission success rate with smaller network transmission cost and average transmission delay,.2. for data distribution of large files in VANETs, such as pictures, video and so on. The data distribution mechanism COUP (COllaborative Urban Parking) of car auto organization network parking cluster cooperation is proposed. It mainly uses a large number of parking clusters in the urban environment to maintain the data to be distributed as natural infrastructure, and provides data distribution services for mobile vehicles through the cooperation between parking clusters. For the content downloading request, the parking cluster heads first estimate the amount of data distribution provided locally for the requestor. For the part that can not be distributed, the cluster head establishes its travel prediction model according to the historical travel record of the requester, and then selects the destination cluster for the remaining content to be forwarded, so that the requester passes through. This parking cluster can continue unfinished content downloading. This paper validates the effectiveness of COUP through theoretical analysis. Experimental simulation results based on real traffic data show that COUP has a higher successful download rate compared with the other two data distribution algorithms, especially in the case of sparse traffic and multiple download requests,.3. is not for drivers. The fact that safe driving behavior seriously threatens traffic safety, proposes a Driving Sense. based on smart phone self correcting dangerous driving behavior identification system, which can perceive vehicle motion parameters through mobile phone sensors, monitor the driving state of vehicles, identify overspeed, irregular change driving direction and abnormal speed control three kinds of dangerous driving In order to achieve this goal, the influence of cell phone sensor noise on vehicle driving state estimation is analyzed theoretically. Then, the method of determining the distribution of cell phone sensor error in motion state is given, and then the error correction algorithm based on improved Calman filter is proposed, which can be more accurately reflected. In the end, the method of estimating the driving condition of the vehicle is put forward by using the corrected data. In order to estimate the speed of the vehicle, a novel speed estimation method is put forward according to the kinematics knowledge. In order to identify the irregular change direction, the two phase detection method of the vehicle turning signal lamp is proposed: (1) The noise filtering method is given for the over analysis of the sound frequency of the signal lamp; (2) the turn signal method is used to detect the noise after the noise reduction. In order to identify the abnormal speed control, the threshold detection method is proposed. Based on the real environment, the experimental results show that the Driving Sense can effectively identify the unsafe driving behavior.4. for night drivers. The fact that vision limited traffic accidents are frequent is based on the DNAS (Driver Nighttime Assistance System) based on the smart phone night driver. It mainly uses a smart phone camera to perceive the driving condition of the rear vehicles in the rear of the main vehicle, monitors the dangerous vehicles running over speed or near the car, and gives the driver a warning to the driver. More response time should be obtained to deal with dangerous emergencies. In view of the specific problems in the system implementation, the corresponding solutions are provided. In particular, the method of determining the perception distance of the camera is given first. Secondly, the night road picture vehicle recognition is proposed based on the bright headlights and the distance between them. In addition, the vehicle tracking algorithm in the picture is proposed based on the space-time characteristics of the vehicle, and the vehicle speed can be estimated. Finally, the relative distance estimation method is proposed based on the principle of object imaging. Based on the real environment, the experimental results show that at night DNAS can effectively monitor the speeding and near distance car following. Event.
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