[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of economy in the Pearl River Delta, the high grade highway, represented by asphalt pavement, has been developing rapidly in Guangdong Province. From Guangfo Expressway, which was first opened in 1989, to Erguang, Zhaohua, Meida and other expressways opened to traffic at the end of 2014, Guangdong Province's expressway mileage has exceeded 6000 km, ranking first in the country, of which more than 90% are asphalt pavements. However, with the increase of driving speed, road traffic safety is becoming more and more serious, and the anti-skid performance of road has a great impact on traffic safety. Therefore, based on the climatic conditions of Guangdong Province, how to correctly evaluate the anti-skid performance of asphalt pavement, determine the evaluation index system of anti-skid performance of asphalt pavement suitable for Guangdong Province, and formulate a targeted maintenance scheme. It is an urgent problem to ensure the anti-skid performance of pavement to meet the requirement of driving safety. Based on the investigation of the climate characteristics of Guangdong Province and the anti-skid performance of typical pavement in Guangdong Province, combined with the test method of transverse force coefficient and the evaluation method of road anti-skid performance, The applicability of asphalt pavement with different mixture types in Guangdong Province is analyzed. Secondly, on the basis of summing up the practical operation experience, through the analysis of the transverse force coefficient testing system and its test results, the paper preliminarily puts forward the tire wear correction value of the test system. At the same time, the temperature correction value of the transverse force coefficient under high temperature in Guangdong Province is studied and adjusted according to the actual situation.
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