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发布时间:2018-08-12 18:52
【摘要】:矮塔斜拉桥是最近20年来兴起的一种全新的组合体系桥梁,受力性能介于斜拉桥与连续粱(刚构)桥之间。由于其刚柔相济的特点,以及良好的经济特性和美学效果,受到桥梁设计师的青睐,在实际工程中被广泛地应用。本文从以下三个方面对矮塔斜拉桥的设计理论展开深入探讨。(1)根据国内己建混凝土连续梁(刚构)桥、斜拉桥和矮塔斜拉桥施工图资料,整理了其上部结构主要材料的用量(包括桥塔材料)。利用Origin软件拟合了主要材料用量与主跨跨径的关系式,对比分析了这三种桥型的综合造价,得出了一些结论。可用于概念设计阶段时,为桥型方案选择、材料用量确定和综合造价比较提供参考。(2)以重庆嘉悦大桥为工程背景,对矮塔斜拉桥的极限承载能力进行计算分析。利用土木工程非线性有限元软件midasFEA,在考虑几何非线性和材料非线性的因素下,研究双重非线性对计算结果的影响,绘出荷载一位移曲线图,找出其极限荷载,得出结构安全系数。(3)以沙湾矮塔斜拉桥为工程背景,研究矮塔斜拉桥的纵向抗推刚度,利用Midas Civil2012有限元软件,以墩底固结模式、比拟杆件模式、双柱刚架模式、桩-土共同作用模式来对群桩基础进行模拟,并结合实桥施工数据,对合龙顶推力作用下的墩顶水平位移进行了计算,为以后的建模方式提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:The low tower cable-stayed bridge is a new type of composite system bridge which has been developed in recent 20 years. The mechanical behavior of the bridge lies between the cable-stayed bridge and the continuous beam (rigid frame) bridge. Because of its good economic characteristics and aesthetic effects, it is favored by bridge designers and is widely used in practical projects. In this paper, the design theory of the cable-stayed bridge with low tower is discussed from the following three aspects. (1) according to the construction drawing data of the concrete continuous beam (rigid frame) bridge, the cable-stayed bridge and the cable-stayed bridge with low tower, which have been built in China, The dosage of the main materials of the superstructure (including the bridge tower material) was sorted out. The relationship between the amount of main materials and the span of main span is fitted by Origin software. The comprehensive cost of these three kinds of bridges is compared and analyzed, and some conclusions are drawn. It can be used in conceptual design stage to provide reference for selection of bridge type, determination of material dosage and comparison of comprehensive cost. (2) the ultimate bearing capacity of cable-stayed bridge with low tower is calculated and analyzed with Chongqing Jiayue Bridge as the engineering background. In this paper, the nonlinear finite element software midas FEA of civil engineering is used to study the influence of double nonlinearity on the calculation results under the consideration of geometric nonlinearity and material nonlinearity. The load-displacement curve is drawn and the ultimate load is found out. The structural safety factor is obtained. (3) taking Shawan low tower cable-stayed bridge as the engineering background, the longitudinal anti-push stiffness of the low-tower cable-stayed bridge is studied. By using Midas Civil2012 finite element software, the consolidation mode of pier bottom, the analogy member model, the double-column rigid frame mode are used. The pile-soil interaction model is used to simulate the pile group foundation, and combined with the actual bridge construction data, the horizontal displacement of the pier top under the thrust force of the closure roof is calculated, which provides a reference for the later modeling method.


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